Book Review: Become An eLearning Champion

Book Review Become-An eLearning Champion implementation guide
Summary: Making a career in eLearning can prove to be a daunting task, but the book Become An eLearning Champion can become one of your greatest allies.

A Practical Guide For eLearning Implementation

eLearning is a very strange industry. On its basis, the concept of eLearning makes sense—so much sense that, in fact, it is almost intuitive. Technology and education are such a fitting combination, you think that there is no way this can go wrong. And yet, it does go wrong, incredibly often. So much that in fact, many newcomers to the industry become immediately intimidated. At the same time, some people are able to succeed in this, again and again, maintaining an almost perfect record. The difference in effectiveness is shocking. Is it really possible that some L&D professionals have a guide to eLearning implementation that allows them to accomplish consistently what others never seem to get right? And if that is the case, what exactly is their secret?

eBook Release: Become An eLearning Champion: A Practical Guide For eLearning Implementation
eBook Release
Become An eLearning Champion: A Practical Guide For eLearning Implementation
Read a preview of the first chapters of the new book that empowers L&D professionals of all backgrounds.

It is something really simple, but also very hard at the same time: experience. eLearning, in theory, is a very simple idea, but when you try to implement it you face a number of practical challenges that can make or break your entire L&D scheme. Experience usually comes by trying until you get things right. There is also the option of finding a mentor. Then you can get the wisdom of experience to some degree without sticking your own neck out. In order for this to work, your mentor must be knowledgable and good at communication, they must have personal experience, and they must be able to talk about their findings in a clear and concise manner. This is precisely what Become An eLearning Champion: A Practical Guide For eLearning Implementation has achieved. In it, you will find valuable advice from industry experts that are going to prove useful for both beginner and veteran L&D professionals.

About This Book

The book begins with a foreword by its author R.K. Prasad, who is also the founder and chief executive officer of CommLab India. You will find that many pioneers in the L&D field have also contributed to this book. Of course, CommLab India themselves edited and authored big parts of this book as well, making this a product of collaborative authoring and editing. This book gives you everything you need in order to understand how to successfully combine technology and learning. By mixing the two, you will have an amazing tool that will help you bring in measurable business results in your organization. The book contains minimal—and only necessary—theory, and it is full of rich, practical wisdom and guidance that the people in CommLab India use themselves every day when they design technology-enhanced learning solutions. It is essentially a multi-faceted, complete guide to eLearning implementation.

Business Goals And Training

The first chapter is about how training relates to and can help achieve business goals. There is also a great piece about how business goals connect to performance-based learning objectives.

Business Goals And Learning Interventions

Continuing in the same spirit, this chapter covers the essentials of learning. You will be acquainted with the elements and principles of effective learning, the most common formats, and ideas like blended learning.

Introducing eLearning

The next chapter transitions naturally to eLearning, describing the thought process behind it, its reasons for existing, and its trends. It's a skin-deep analysis, but it provides all the prerequired knowledge for the material that follows. What follows is the backbone of this eLearning implementation guide.

eLearning Design And Development

This is where the book becomes more advanced. However, even beginners will be able to follow if they have studied the previous chapters. This chapter explains the process of designing and developing an eLearning program and divides the procedure into 3 distinct phases.

Authoring Tools

All L&D professionals use, or at least must be acquainted with, some of the most popular authoring tools. Here you will find an overview of what's available.

Learning Management Systems

This chapter will help you understand the nature of an LMS and the criteria you need to keep in mind in order to find the best one for you and your organization. You will also get some insider tips that will help you become a power user that gets the most out of their chosen software.

Evaluating Training Effectiveness

The effectiveness of a training program should be carefully evaluated in order to understand how it impacts the business goals, and whether or not it helps the organization advance toward accomplishing them.

Your Organization And eLearning

The final chapter of the book brings everything together by tackling the topics of introducing and promoting eLearning in your organization.


Become An eLearning Champion is a book that can help every L&D professional, regardless of their experience, with their career. The book is available on Amazon, both in paperback and Kindle versions, but you can also read a preview of the first chapters. You can also watch the relevant webinar for a more in-depth analysis.

Originally published on March 17, 2020