How eLearning Professionals Can Use Guest Posting To Build Authority Online

How eLearning Professionals Can Use Guest Posting To Build Authority Online

How eLearning Professionals Can Use Guest Posting To Build Authority Online

7 Steps To Build Authority Online By Guest Posting

An authority is the voice of reason in the eLearning industry. Everyone relies on authorities for up-to-date info and sound advice. They stay ahead of the trends and talk about hot topics, without stirring up unnecessary controversy or resorting to sales pitches. Readers hang on their every word because they know it will help them improve work practices and solve everyday problems. So, how do you use all that know-how and life experience to take on this role? Here are some tips eLearning professionals can use to guest post their way to business success and build authority online.

Publish Your eLearning Article
Bring in creative, credible and inspiring eLearning content to build awareness, establish authority and become a thought-leader among other eLearning professionals.

1. Offer Value-Added Content

Readers aren’t there for an extended sales pitch. The reason they search for your article is to get tips and insights they won’t find elsewhere. They’re looking for value-added content that helps them in some aspect of their lives. Whether it is to decide which software to purchase or to stay on top of eLearning trends and improve work practices. Offer them content that serves a specific purpose instead of trying to bombard them with landing page links and gimmicks.

2. Choose A Reputable Posting Platform

The best way to build authority online is to post on a reputable site that’s already established themselves in the industry. People rely on them for accurate information and they’re known for their niche expertise. Likewise, a website with a bad rep can tarnish your brand image by proxy. See how long the platform’s been around and evaluate their target audience. Do hundreds of thousands of eLearning professionals visit them every month? Are they active on social media? Have they won awards? Are they ranked high on thought leader lists?

3. Focus On Fresh Topics

Readers don’t want to feel like you’re pushing them into a sale. But redundant or stale topics are just as bad. Focus on fresh and relevant eLearning trends, techniques, or ideas that spark discussion. Research potential topics on social media, conduct polls and evaluate other articles on the platform. You can always put a creative spin on existing topics to make them fresh again. Or argue an opposing viewpoint, respectfully, to give readers food for thought.

4. Market Your Posts

You can’t simply create content and hope that readers find you. eLearning marketing is essential to build authority online and boost visibility. Post links on social media, build the buzz on your own blog and invest in a PPC ad campaign. Of course, your article should also contain targeted keywords to help you shine in the SERPs. Another great way to market your posts is to embed links to other articles on your site. People might find your value-added guide for years to come if you refresh their memory. Just make sure the original post is always accurate and up-to-date.

5. Track Reader Engagement

You can’t win them all. Some articles may not perform as expected, but that’s just another learning experience. The key is to evaluate built-in analytics to spot areas for improvement and adjust your approach. For example, use new keywords or address more relevant topics moving forward. You can also check out the demographics and where the traffic is coming from to enhance your marketing strategy. For instance, most of the visitors originate from your social media marketing links. Another thing to consider is the conversion and click-through articles. Are people interacting with the links in your article? How many of them actually sign up for your service or visit your site?

6. Make The Most Of Your Author Profile

Posting on eLearning Industry also gets you a free authoring page where you can showcase your bio and point readers in the right direction. For example, your landing page so that they’re able to enroll in the free demo or buy your product. This is also your chance to highlight your area of expertise and professional experience. How long have you been in the niche? Which awards or certificates have you earned? Is there anything readers should know about your clientele? The author's profile can help you build authority online because it sums up your credentials and humanizes your brand. You’re not merely a faceless content creator, but a successful eLearning pro who wants to share their insights.

7. Have Measurable Outcomes In Mind For Every Piece

The main goal for every article should be to fill a gap and give readers useful information they can apply right away. But there’s also a secondary aim, building your online presence and industry authority. You must post eLearning articles with purpose. Identify the primary objectives and figure out how to convey the information and boost conversion rates. Include as many measurable criteria as possible. As an example, you want to increase online sales or click-through rates by XX%. You can also include some broad parameters. For instance, this series of guest posts should increase your social media following and opt-ins. Every article you publish must have an intention so that you can determine whether it’s a success. Or if you need to modify your approach to achieve the best results.

How do you stand out from all the other contributors online? The best way to build authority online is to post consistently and offer readers’ value-added articles. Interact with your audience and respect their time by publishing targeted content with a specific goal in mind. Finally, use all the tools at your disposal to improve SEO and enhance your online presence. Readers need to be able to find you in order to benefit from your insider expertise.

Becoming an authority in the eLearning niche does require a commitment. Download our eBook How To Become An Authority In The eLearning Industry By Guest Blogging and discover how to stay on top of trends and find a platform that suits your style and target audience.

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