How To Create An Online Training Program For Your Remote Working Team

How To Create An Effective Online Training Program

How To Create An Effective Online Training Program

Creating An Online Training Program

As technology advances and mindsets evolve, remote working is becoming more of a norm.

Need evidence?

An Indeed survey found that 70% of people worked remotely at least once a week in 2019. And with the pandemic showing no signs of abating, this percentage and frequency are poised to skyrocket in coming times.

When such a large proportion of your workforce operates remotely, it makes sense to formulate a formal online training program for them. After all, documenting strategies and processes will eventually help reduce your effort in the long term. Moreover, it will help you switch from onsite to online painlessly.

In this article, I’m going to outline a roadmap for creating an online training program for remote working teams.

Let’s get started.

4 Steps To Create An Effective Online Training Program

An online training program is the foundation of remote working. It connects the multiple moving parts of remote work, namely training material, workflows, and communication. Here is a stepwise approach to help you create an effective online training program:

1. Evaluate Training Needs

To assess the skill gap in your organization, you will need to evaluate your employees, individually and collectively.

But how?

2. Create The Course Material

Once you’ve prepared a course framework, it’s time to start with course creation. Choose an authoring tool that allows you to incorporate existing course material into your program. This way, you can utilize training demos and resources that are tailor-made for your organization and employees.

If you have excellent learning resources available, you can make do with a rapid authoring tool. To create courses from scratch, you’ll need a full-featured online course builder like Teachable or TalentLMS.

Next, you need to add bells and whistles to your eLearning course. Slide after slide of plain text won't engage learners for long periods of time. To keep up their interest, you need to spice things up with videos, animations, quizzes, and surveys.

A word of caution here.

Avoid overwhelming learners with an overload of visuals and interactivities. You need to understand the basics of visual communication and use these graphic elements judiciously. Keep the focus on learning objectives, and you’ll be good to go.

To explain a complex, technically heavy process, you can use process infographics. By replacing a boring process reference guide with a crisp infographic, you can make learning resultful and interesting.

3. Test Your Course Rigorously

Testing your software is perhaps the most critical step in this process. Software testing should be done after each iteration and not just at the end of course creation. Check each module on a set of beta learners to get real-time feedback on your training program.

Pick your test group wisely. You don’t want an overeager intern or jaded near-retirement employee testing your courseware since they can’t possibly provide a true-blue picture of where you need to improve.

Anything else?


While manual testing is unavoidable, it’s certainly time-consuming. You can use automated testing tools to expedite the process. Regardless of your testing mechanism, ensure that you incorporate feedback and improvement suggestions promptly. A continuous develop-test-restrategize loop is essential to make your training program agile and responsive.

4. Execute Your Training Program

Using your LMS, roll out your new online training program. Seek continuous feedback from users and be prepared to tweak your courseware as the market and learner needs change.

Your training program’s success largely depends on your LMS. If it supports multiple file formats and is SCORM-compliant, you can sit back and relax. Other essential features are robust reporting and analytics.

It’s also important to design for scalability, especially in an expanding industry. To that end, you may need to diversify your online training program into a mobile learning app. Mobile marketing and mLearning are a necessity for on-the-move learners. In fact, there are many successful mobile marketing apps that started as standalone online courseware.

Want a pro tip?

If you’ve created a standout online training program, you can consider monetizing it. Package it enticingly and promote it on the web. When you’ve put a great deal of effort and time into course creation, why not extract maximum mileage from it? That’s just smart business!


An online training program enables remote working. When employees are equipped with requisite skills, they tend to have better morale and productivity, which in turn raises your bottom lines. The stepwise approach explained above will guide you in program formulation and execution.

Do you have any questions about this strategy? Write them in the comments and I’ll get back to you with the answers soon.


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