6 Tips To Evaluate Your Current Change Management Process

How To Evaluate Your Change Management Process
Summary: You’re bringing in new leadership, changing business processes, or overhauling your entire corporate infrastructure. But is your change management process up to par? In this article, I share 6 tips to evaluate your current online training strategy and identify areas for improvement.

How To Evaluate Your Change Management Process

Change is difficult. Whether you’re phasing out a job title or expanding to different markets, your employees need to know what to expect and the role they play in this new business venture. This requires an effective change management online training program that is emotionally-centered and results-driven. How do you know if your current process aligns with your business needs and employee expectations? Are there any resources missing from your support online training library? How do you get the employees more involved in the transition and make them feel included? Here are 6 top tips to help you analyze your change management process and make the necessary modifications.

eBook Release: Overcoming The Fear Of The Unknown
eBook Release
Overcoming The Fear Of The Unknown
Launch a change management program that is destined to be a roaring success.

1. Clarify And Reevaluate Your Objectives

First things first, make sure your training objectives still align with the company post-change. It’s time to take a closer look at your goals and desired outcomes as you're heading into the transition. As well as to do some housekeeping on those outdated objective statements. Do they reflect your new company's vision? Do they include measurable outcomes so that you can track your road to a successful business transformation?

2. Collect eLearning Feedback From Employees

Lack of control could cost you top talent. Employees already know that change is coming and that they must prepare for all the stresses that accompany it. However, giving them a voice can alleviate widespread panic and keep them in the loop. Collect eLearning feedback to get their thoughts about the current change management process and identify areas for improvement. Do they feel like their opinions count and that team leaders offer enough support? Could they benefit from more JIT online training tools to bring them up to speed? What about group collaboration and peer-based support opportunities?

3. Evaluate LMS Metrics

Now that you’ve tackled the human part of the equation, look at your LMS metrics. Are certain online training tools more popular than others? What are the employee engagement and completion stats? LMS analytics tell you a lot about what’s missing from your current online training strategy and how to adjust the course moving forward. For example, only a handful of employees still access your safety online training video, which indicates that it’s not relevant or that you need to boost your in-house marketing efforts. Keep in mind that change management plans should always be in flux. Online training resources must adjust to meet the needs of the employees and reflect new organizational processes. LMS metrics help you zero in on underperforming assets and disclose employee preferences.

4. Get Input From Team Leadership

Team leaders are in the thick of things. They interact with employees daily and understand their unique requirements and concerns about the upcoming change. So, get their input to improve the process and shore up your online training strategy. If they are team leaders who are leaving your company, conduct surveys to gather eLearning feedback. Live events and social media groups are a great way to tap into the knowledge base of your current management staff. For new team leadership, invite them to share their thoughts and ideas about future online training resources and activities that can help ease employees into change management and ensure that everyone is on the same page.

5. Pre-Assess To Pinpoint Gaps

An effective change management process targets pre-existing gaps that might carry over to new business practices. For example, skills that employees lack, which may come in handy for new tasks or compliance protocols. As such, you should pre-assess to identify personal areas for improvement and update your training objectives accordingly. Then again, there may be some gaps that are no longer relevant. For instance, an employee struggles with the current sales process but the new steps are easier to master. You no longer have to worry about their performance inefficiencies because the change makes things more intuitive and user-friendly. In fact, that’s one of the primary reasons why you’ve decided to launch this change within the organization.

6. Hire An Outsourcing Partner For Training Needs Analysis

Many companies fumble through changes because they lack the necessary experience or resources. Thus, they’re less likely to transform business processes in the future due to the stresses of the past, even if the change will help their company evolve and keep up with competitors. An eLearning content provider who specializes in Training Needs Analysis can guide you through change management evaluation and provide a fresh POV. They’re outsiders looking in, which gives them a unique vantage point. They’re able to see what works, what doesn’t, and how to fix the problem cost-effectively. Here are a few benefits an outsourcing partner brings to the table:

  • Analytical tools and experience to help you disclose hidden gaps and develop new strategies.
  • Improved L&D ROI by rooting out online training practices that no longer serve your organization or hinder employee buy-in.
  • Free-up company resources (and payroll hours) so that your L&D department can focus on other tasks.

Tap into their vast experience in the industry to streamline your online training strategy. For example, they’ve worked with numerous businesses in your niche and understand the emotional factors you must consider, as well as compliance issues that impact change management.

Change is rarely easy. It’s not the idea of new processes or rules that puts employees on edge but the unknown roadblocks that accompany them. Evaluating your current plan can eliminate obstacles that stand in the way of company-wide change. It also helps you consider the emotional state of your staffers and how the transition will impact their everyday lives. So, get their input, evaluate your metrics, and enlist the aid of an outsourcing partner to guide you through the process.

Every organization must endure change from time to time, and this can be frightening. Download the eBook Overcoming The Fear Of The Unknown: How To Launch A Successful Change Management Program to discover how to launch a change management program that is destined to be a roaring success.

Originally published on April 11, 2020