7 Stress-Free Change Management Steps To Implement In Your Organization

Change Management Steps For Your Online Training
Summary: Change is never easy. Unless, of course, you have a solid online training strategy in place to wade into the waters of transformation without making your top talent abandon ship. Here’s how to implement change management in your organization step-by-step.

Smooth Change Management Steps To Apply In Your Online Training

Whether you're switching up the leadership team or revamping major company policies, a change management online training strategy is essential. Even small transitions can have a big impact on your employees and the company’s bottom line, such as modifying task protocols or enacting new compliance regulations. Stress, the fear of the unknown, and unclear expectations are just a few of the obstacles ahead for your staff members. But these change management steps can help you make the transition and instill confidence in your team without breaking the bank or putting too much on your L&D department.

eBook Release: Overcoming The Fear Of The Unknown
eBook Release
Overcoming The Fear Of The Unknown
Launch a change management program that is destined to be a roaring success.

1. Identify The Change And Rethink Your Online Training Objectives

The first step is to clarify the details of the change and how it’s going to impact your business processes, as well as your online training objectives. The desired outcomes and secondary goals may have to shift to accommodate new leaders or protocols. Or you have to completely rewrite objective statements for drastic change, such as an overhaul of your company policies and infrastructure. It’s important to break the transformation into its most basic components. Think about all the "moving parts" of the change. From how it will modify work practices to the new online training equipment/tools employees will require.

2. Map Out The Risks Of Getting From Point A To Point B

This is a 3-part process that is crucial for a change management online training strategy. It begins with assessments and surveys to identify the current state of things within your organization. For instance, the employees’ level of expertise, skills, and knowledge base. Then, it’s time to develop the desired outcomes that reflect the new business practices or policies, as well as the competencies and know-how that go along with them. Lastly, determine how you’ll get from point A to point B with change management online training and the risks to consider. Will employees be resistant to change? Are there glaring skill gaps that might prevent them from achieving the best outcomes?

3. Consider The Emotional Impact

Implementing change might be purely a business decision. However, it will always have an emotional impact on your team. They’re the ones who must live through the shake-up, even if it’s something as small as new task protocols. The previous change management steps involved needs analysis and new corporate strategies. At this stage, you should be thinking about the stressors employees must face during the transition. And how these stressors are going to impact their work performance and mental well-being. Top talent probably won’t stay put if they’re under too much pressure due to your change management plan.

4. Create A Budget And Timeline

Set a realistic budget for how much change management will cost and identify reusable online training resources. For example, you already have tutorials, demos, and certification courses in your online training library that touch on the topic. How can you modify these existing support online training tools to accommodate your new training objectives? This is also your opportunity to develop a timeline to ensure that everyone knows what to expect. Missing a milestone could have a ripple effect on other members of the L&D team. So, meet with them to get an accurate estimate of how long each task will take and which online training resources they require.

5. Determine The Best Change Management Strategy

Figure out the ideal change management model for your organizational change. As well as the best delivery method based on employee preferences and goals. Models are an essential part of the plan because they tap into human behavior, emotional connectivity, and employee motivation. For example, the ADKAR model maps out the 5 top goals to consider during the change: awareness, desire, knowledge, ability, and reinforcement. While Lewin’s change management model accounts for the business parties behind the scenes (unfreeze, change execution, and refreeze).

6. Outsource To An eLearning Content Provider If Necessary

An eLearning content provider might be the ideal solution for your change management online training program. Particularly when your L&D team lacks the necessary experience or simply has a stressful workload to begin. The outsourcing partner can help you identify hidden gaps from an outsider’s POV and develop online training resources that resonate with the employees. They understand your niche and the unique fears, expectations, and roadblocks that accompany business change. Vendors also have the necessary software and team expertise to create relevant online training content for the team, which could reduce your online training expenses and development time.

7. Schedule Follow-Up Analysis And eLearning Feedback

Plan to follow up after you launch your change management online training program and gather eLearning feedback from staffers. Analyze your online training strategy to ensure it’s effective, engaging, and emotionally centered. Conduct surveys and assessments to determine if your team is keeping up with change or falling behind. Do they need additional online training resources to maintain motivation and improve understanding? Is your current change management model effective or should you consider a new approach? Why have you gone over budget? Use your LMS metrics to delve into employee participation and completion analytics. Are they using the support online training tools to their advantage? Or do you need to boost the internal marketing efforts?

There’s already enough stress involved with change at the corporate level. These steps can lighten the burden of online training and help you ease employees into the new and improved business model. Start with clearly defined eLearning objectives then identify the potential risks before moving on to a realistic budget. You can also hire a change management consultant to conduct a Training Needs Analysis and bridge the gaps.

Every organization must endure change from time to time, and this can be frightening. Download the eBook Overcoming The Fear Of The Unknown: How To Launch A Successful Change Management Program to discover how to launch a change management program that is destined to be a roaring success.

Originally published on May 9, 2020