How To Improve The Culture Of Learning Within An Organization

Improve The Learning Culture Of Your Organization

Improve The Learning Culture Of Your Organization

Lay The Foundation Of Success With Learning

As Learning and Development (L&D) professionals, we have the opportunity to have a positive, transformative impact from within our organizations. We can create internal cultures of learning that create engagement and provide the development that employees want and need.

This is especially important now that the remote use of eLearning is increasing. Many recent studies show that organizations plan to increase the use of custom eLearning over the next five years. However, online and virtual learning can be boring and reduce communication within teams when done incorrectly. Instead, L&D professionals have an opportunity to play a greater role to revitalize learning within their organizations, innovate to increase engagement, and have a positive impact on culture and employees. This can be accomplished with the following shifts in approach.

Recommendations To Improve The Learning Culture Of Your Organization

How many of the following best practices do you incorporate into your learning program? Do you apply any of these strategies to your design and development? Would an increase in virtual learning facilitate a shift in some of these directions?

You can use the following questions to determine areas of need and spark ideas to make a positive shift:

1. Is Your L&D Plan Proactive?

At a high level, would you say your L&D program is proactive? It can be useful to periodically conduct a needs analysis and review how your courses are used. Try to plan updates and initiatives around the User Experience and set goals to help avoid the pitfalls created when your program is only reactive to evolving needs. Identifying areas where you might want to bring in a consultant to help develop courses is another way to take a proactive approach.

2. Are You Making The Most Out Of Technology?

Could you better integrate learning and training with technology? You may review your offering and realize opportunities for greater functionality and flexibility. You might also re-envision the way you’re using technology to support on-the-job processes. One example of this might be to consider upgrading legacy systems proactively with a move to the cloud.

3. Is Your L&D Aligning With Different Departments?

Are there L&D resources you might embed in each department, rather than having L&D sectioned off into its own silo? Could you harness the power of your team to improve the User Experience of existing content and help create new content? The challenge here is to not take on processes outside the scope of L&D but to contribute in such a way as to provide value and create alignment. For example, you might consider creating modules and training that act as on-the-job resources within different departments to help employees access content, understand internal technology and processes, and improve the experience overall.

4. Are You Enabling Remote Learning?

Could you advocate for content that contributes to a more equitable workplace? Increased employee development opportunities are one approach. Using technology and remote learning can provide access, and the design of the learning can make it more user-friendly for employees working remotely with busy schedules and specialized access needs.

5. Are You Offering Enough Learning Opportunities?

How could you increase opportunities for effective learning during the workday? Would more use of microlearning help, or could you introduce asynchronous activities, blended learning options, or develop leadership training that promotes positive attitudes toward learning? Could you simplify your learning offerings to ensure they are easily accessible? Do you have a landing page available that makes it easy to find your content? There are a wealth of options available for L&D programs making use of digital resources.

6. Are You Promoting Cross-Skilling?

Has your L&D team created a skills matrix to review opportunities for cross-skilling employees? You could proactively develop plans to help employees acquire the skills they'll need during times of change and actively develop your internal talent pipeline to fill positions from within when needed. Cross-skilling is also useful in that knowledge of the big picture helps employees be more effective within their roles as they understand the why behind processes.

Employee development is a proactive part of organizational growth. It’s a vital part of an overall strategy for talent management, retention, productivity, and even recruitment—as most employees now expect paths for development and advancement. As you continue to build new learning options for a remote workforce, it can be useful to take time to see opportunities to make your learning impactful and increase your positive impact on the overall culture of the organization.

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