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<a href="https://www.allencomm.com">AllenComm</a>
Chris Khouri
Director of Learning Solutions at AllenComm
Chris Khouri is a Director of Learning Solutions with extensive experience in financial services. What Chris enjoys most about his role at AllenComm is helping organizations bridge learning and training gaps that have a real impact on the business.
In this article, you'll find recommendations to help you show the value of your learning initiatives through the use of training metrics. You can also use these recommendations to design and develop more effective learning for your audience.
How can L&D professionals improve learning initiatives within their organization, increase ROI, and develop custom eLearning strategies that ensure success? This article shows you how!
Use of communication technology has impacted the way people learn and retain new information. Now that the trend toward remote work has accelerated, it will be more important than ever to meet the challenges with the right combination of instructional design and learning technology.
Training technology is the foundation of employee performance measurement. Review key training technologies and their application within a complex training ecosystem, and get to increase employee performance.
Compliance training can be dull, but necessary for keeping employees safe. Using immersive technology not only makes the material easier to digest, but memorable too.