Personalizing Online Training With A Workforce Development LMS
The main purpose of business is to make money. You may want to have fun and you might even have some overarching ideals. But even your most noble goals require hard cash to implement. And the skill levels and abilities of your staff are a key factor in your organizational income. Online training improves their profit-making capacity. It also fulfills their personal targets and keeps them happier at work. As a result, they’re less likely to leave, taking years of brand knowledge and specialist expertise with them. So how exactly does an LMS for workforce development achieve this online training plan?
1. Customized Online Training Paths
Everyone has their own views about their career. Their job could be something they’ve wanted to do since they were little. Or maybe they work for a family friend, relative, or their parents’ acquaintance. Some employees are driven purely by profit, so they can pay their bills and a few extras. Others want power, so they’d take a big title over a non-monetary perk. For them, promotion trumps profit. An LMS for workforce development you can spot each employee training participant’s specific interests and design a set of online training courses just for them. For example, an intern with a flair for languages could be trained in a foreign culture, regional compliance, and franchising. This could prepare them to work in your overseas branch. As such, a workforce development LMS also helps you maximize human resource allocation. For instance, identify hidden skills that may put them on the fast track to career advancement.
2. Launch Certification Courses
As a general rule, kids love trophies and adults love certificates. They make us feel we’ve achieved something and serve as a tangible keepsake. It doesn’t always matter what kind of certificate it is. In some cases, like industrial compliance, certification is a legal requirement. These types of documents are issued, printed, stamped and validated by regulatory bodies. They cut across organizations, so if your employee training participants are job-hunting, these are preferred. But for internal online training, every certificate has value. It makes your employees feel seen, appreciated and competent. With a workforce online training LMS, you can develop certificate online training courses around pretty much any area. Because you’re in charge of content, software, and design you get to choose. You could build separate courses on everything from speed-loading (for warehouse staff) to coffee brewing (for the kitchen). Everyone has a chance to be recognized and certified, regardless of their department. So, your blue and pink collars don’t feel inferior to white-cuffed desk-based colleagues. This boosts motivation across the board.
3. Preferential Online Training Media
It’s clear that everyone has their own learning and personal preferences. Some people would rather read the instructions. Others want them read by a mellifluous voice with no visual distractions. And then there are YouTube learners who watch tutorials online. This type of learner is also open to being in a room with you. They need face-to-face (or screen-to-screen) interaction. They need to watch you work and ask real-time questions before emulating you. Finally, manual learners would rather dive in and figure it out as they go. With some software, you can only use the media that’s included in your pack. On the other hand, a comprehensive workforce development LMS can design and deploy in several structural modes. You can even offer the same lesson in all four formats and let your remote trainees pick their preference.
4. Multiple Online Training Assessment Modes
Apart from online training methods, testing methods matter too. Some employee training participants want multiple-choice questionnaires, while others prefer open-ended essays. Visual learners would rather match images, while text-based employee training participants probably want to fill a form. An LMS for workforce development lets you craft all these evaluation options, offering both self-assessment modules and Instructor-Led testing. Also, you’re likely to have automated reporting. So, both the employee training participant and higher-ups can print a 'report card' at will. With a workforce training LMS, reports are usually far more detailed and tailored than pre-built online training solutions.
5. Provides Personalized Support Tools
Another significant perk of investing in an LMS for workforce development is being able to offer your employees follow-up support. This extends far beyond the onboarding process and into every aspect of the employment cycle. Your staff is able to access moment of need resources to bridge gaps on-the-spot and on their own. Thereby, empowering them to take charge of their own professional growth. The workforce training LMS even enables them to collaborate with remote peers to improve their understanding and expand skills. For example, attend live events or participate in group collab projects. Personalized support is just a click away. Which gives every member of your team the opportunity to continually improve their performance and achieve their individual goals.
In-person, we like it when people remember our names and job titles. Online, it gets frustrating and potentially annoying when a brand keeps sending you messages and emails. Especially when they start with 'Dear *Your Name*' … because you know it’s not an individual message. Everyone got the same thing. That said, for corporate online training purposes, personalization makes all the difference. So how can you utilize your LMS for customized workforce development? Confirm their long-term targets and design an individualized online training path based on that. Offer certification courses by job title, department, or pay grade, so no one feels left out. Provide a mix of media formats and testing options. This keeps employee training participants motivated and focused on their goals.
Do you want to discover more about the benefits a new LMS can bring to your business? Download the eBook Going Global Without Going Over Budget: Tips To Launch A Remote Workforce Development Program With The Right LMS, explore ways to bridge the gaps and enhance your business strategy.