How To Leverage Emotional Intelligence To Humanize And Improve Learning Experience

How To Leverage Emotional Intelligence To Humanize And Improve Learning Experience

How To Leverage Emotional Intelligence To Humanize And Improve Learning Experience

Why Should You Humanize The Learning Experience?

Workplace motivation is a serious challenge for business leadership. According to a Gallup poll, 60% of employees are emotionally detached from their work, while 19% reported being miserable in their workplace. Job satisfaction—which includes a continual but well-planned, humanized, and personalized learning experience for self-development—with the prospect of exciting career advancements, is a critical workplace motivator for most employees.

The reality, however, is different for many employees. And, although organizations do promote learning as a key driver for change, they do so in a way that fuels greater disengagement in the workplace. Under constant pressure to pivot and reinvent their organizations, businesses and L&D leaders constantly push for rapid, almost unsympathetic, upskilling/reskilling of their workforces—at all costs—further dashing hopes to improve learning experience opportunities for their staff. Humanized learning experiences can open a world of deeply engaged and better-performing employees.

Just as the way we have been working has evolved—considerably so over the past several years alone!—so too has the emotional aspect of work gained the center stage in our professional lives. From healthcare givers to gig workers, and from single and working parents to historically underrepresented employee populations, they all bring a different emotional mindset to their professions. The hybrid workplace has changed the way jobs are performed, with many talented individuals no longer interested in 8–5 jobs. For them, flexibility, respect, learning, and career development are more important than time at the office.

It is, therefore, important to have an emotionally intelligent approach to workplace policies, including L&D strategies, to increase retention, reduce recruitment costs, and create a culture that makes employees want to perform well and identify more closely with the organization. Even boomerang employees (those who may have exited the organization as a result of dehumanized workplaces), with decades of experience under their belts, may want to come back because of a human-centered approach to Learning and Development.

Organizations that take a human-centered approach to workplace training begin by focusing on improving the overall employee experience, including fostering a purpose-driven, human-centered work culture. The first step in achieving that re-humanization is by injecting emotional intelligence into their learning programs. These organizations will be more competitive in the long run than those who don't humanize their workplaces.

How Will Emotional Intelligence Help You Humanize And Improve The Learning Experience?

A focus on emotional intelligence can greatly help organizations humanize their learning strategies, thereby leading to a more fulfilling learning experience for their employees. This occurs on several fronts, including employees' professional and personal satisfaction and growth, workplace performance enhancements, and an overall sense of purpose within the workforce.

By humanizing learning programs through the application of the principles of emotional intelligence, employers can build connections with their employees that stretch beyond the realm of traditional training. This fosters a more meaningful engagement with the workforce. L&D teams can also improve the learning experience delivery, which leads to better performance, by personalizing learning encounters. This enhances learner motivation to complete the learning programs they sign up for.

Finally, emotional intelligence will help you humanize and improve the learning experience by creating a more positive impact on the lives of your employees. It'll build more meaningful connections with learners; add flexibility, creativity, and resilience within teams; heighten a sense of belonging among employees; enhance org-wide performance; and bring more commitment and engagement to the workplace. This impact also manifests itself in the form of increased staff retention, employee desire to pursue career growth opportunities more vigorously within the organization, and a renewed commitment to better serve your customers and stakeholders as a result of better learning transference.

What Strategies Can Help L&D Leverage Emotional Intelligence To Humanize And Improve Learning Programs?

Here are some strategies to help you leverage emotional intelligence to humanize and improve the learning experience within your organization:

The Critical Role Of L&D Is In Managing The Expectations Of The Learners And The Business

When weighed against an organization's business objectives, humanizing the learning experience isn't an either/or objective—it's possible to achieve both without compromising either goal. L&D has little control over what its competitors do. However, when it comes to managing what the business and its own employees expect of them, L&D does have a critical role to play. And that role entails humanizing and rationalizing training programs through an emotional intelligence lens.

The way that L&D can align learner expectations and business goals is by assessing, producing, or working to improve learning experience outcomes that result in high ROE for both the business and its learners. More specifically, here are some steps that L&D can implement to reduce the disconnect between business objectives and learner objectives:

Parting Thoughts

The proliferation of technology in the corporate learning space has made it rather tempting for L&D to gravitate toward delivering over-digitized and hyper-automated learning experiences. Unfortunately, because these approaches lack emotion and "humanity," learners find the learning experience disinteresting and frequently disengage.

We hope the strategies mentioned in this article will provide the requisite insights to leverage emotional intelligence to humanize and improve your learning programs.

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