How To Use Accessible Interactive Elements To Create Courses In Minutes

How To Use Accessible Interactive Elements To Create Courses In Minutes

How To Use Accessible Interactive Elements To Create Courses In Minutes

Effortless Engagement: Accessible Interactive Elements

Do you want to know what accessible interactive elements you can include in your training to make it more dynamic and effective? Below, we offer a complete list of interactives and the basic problems and criteria that you should be aware of when using them in your accessible eLearning courses.

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Creating eLearning For All: How To Design Accessible And Interactive Learning
Uncover the knowledge and tools you need to face the challenges of accessible learning.

Basic Elements

Problems With This Type Of Interactive

People with blindness or visual disabilities cannot enjoy image resources. Furthermore, the use of interactive elements with information hidden behind an animation can make it difficult to consume for those using screen readers.

Accessible Version

Images with relevant content must be accompanied by an alternative text that will allow students who use assistive technology to access the information they need. In addition, you must incorporate the content of interactives such as cards and galleries in such a way that all users can locate and access the information they contain. On the other hand, if you wish to include files for downloading, the links must disclose relevant information on the type of document in question, as well as be accessible.

Multimedia Elements

Problems With This Type Of Interactive

In an accessible course, you should generally avoid elements that play automatically. In addition, in the case of audio and video, it is important to take into account all those students who have some type of visual or hearing disability.

Accessible Version

Just like images, audio, and video elements must be accompanied by alternative content that allows students who use assistive technology to access the information they represent. For example, videos must be accompanied by subtitles, transcripts, and audio descriptions. It is also necessary for the student to be able to control the content via a keyboard.

Advanced Interactivity

Problems With This Type Of Interactive

The main problem with the use of this type of interactive in accessible eLearning courses lies in the difficulty of interpreting the visual information they contain.

Accessible Version

In this case, it is necessary to include a description of the scene and provide quick and direct access to the data contained in the graphs and infographics.


Problems With This Type Of Interactive

Beyond including complex interactions and mouse gestures – such as drag & drop – this type of interactive resource often causes focus management problems and includes elements that are too small for some users to interact with. In addition, when it is necessary for the student to expand the text, this can result in a loss of structure and a poor display of the information on screen.

Accessible Version

Including this type of resource in your accessible eLearning training involves redesigning its user experience. You will need to include alternatives to drag & drop interactions, good focus management features for students using keyboard navigation, alternative text for images, and clear instructions to ensure students interact correctly with them. Also, remember not to give exercise feedback that only uses color to signify right or wrong – use other means such as an explanatory message.

Along with exercises, some authoring tools allow you to include games in your eLearning courses to encourage engagement and increase the effectiveness of the training.


As you can see, it is possible to create eLearning courses that are both interactive and accessible. You just need to take into account all the criteria included in the WCAG when configuring your accessible interactive elements. To simplify this task, look for an authoring tool that offers an automatically accessible solution.

Download the eBook Creating eLearning For All: How To Design Accessible And Interactive Learning today to discover how to design accessible learning experiences that are engaging, personalized, and memorable for every member of your team. You can also join the webinar to overcome the most common accessible eLearning obstacles.

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