eBook Release: Strategies To Create Compelling And Immersive Compliance Training - Featuring 8 Examples

Free eBook: Strategies To Create Compelling And Immersive Compliance Training—Featuring 8 Examples

Free eBook: Strategies To Create Compelling And Immersive Compliance Training—Featuring 8 Examples

Strategies To Create Compelling And Immersive Compliance Training - Featuring 8 Examples

Most of us are aware of the significance of compliance training. Driven by regulatory bodies or internal mandates, compliance training is very crucial and mandatory training that employees must take.

eBook Release
Strategies To Create Compelling And Immersive Compliance Training - Featuring 8 Examples
Discover ways to create compliance training that is engaging for the learners and enables organizations to meet their mandate successfully.

The usage of an online training-based approach to impart compliance training is an established practice with several organizations who use the eLearning or, more recent, mobile learning formats to offer them. The online compliance training delivery ensures easier tracking of completion and attestation from learners.

Given the significance of compliance training and hefty budgets allocated for them, isn’t it surprising that many of them use rather obvious (read boring) design formats?

So, how do we address these challenges to:

This eBook "Strategies to Create Compelling and Immersive Compliance Training—Featuring 8 Examples" is designed as a guide to help you meet these objectives.

How Will The eBook - "Strategies To Create Compelling And Immersive Compliance Training—Featuring 8 Examples" Help You?

At EI Design, the BFSI segment is the biggest segment that we have been servicing for the last 16 years. Creating compelling and engaging compliance training is our biggest practice (to the extent that 1 in 6 courses we build is for a compliance mandate).

This eBook draws upon our expertise and approaches that have worked and have helped us create a difference for our customers.

I have structured the eBook as follows:

Do read this eBook and use these pointers to uplift the impact of your compliance training.

Specifically, the eBook "Strategies to Create Compelling and Immersive Compliance Training - Featuring 8 Examples" addresses questions like:

  1. While the significance of compliance training is well established, why do we see that employees are not engaged with them?
  2. What are the typical challenges in compliance training, and what more can be done to offset them?
  3. What are the tips that can be used to create effective compliance training that encourages employees to comply?
  4. What are the approaches and learning strategies that work and will deliver the required impact?
  5. How can this be achieved in a sustainable manner?
  6. How can the Learning and Performance Ecosystem-based approach be applied?

About The eBook

The eBook is structured into 4 sections:

Section 1: The Challenges

This section outlines the typical challenges associated with compliance training. Out of these, I pick the top three challenges and list the measures that can help you offset them.

Section 2: Tips And Best Practices

This section outlines the tips and best practices we have used successfully to create high-impact compliance training. I share a step-by-step approach that can be easily applied to achieve the desired change.

Section 3: Strategies

This section outlines possible learning strategies you can adopt. I also introduce the usage of a Learning and Performance Ecosystem-based approach to create a sustainable model to deliver compliance training, as well as provide triggers to create the desired behavioral change.

Section 4: Examples

The last section is the most interesting one, wherein I dip into our vast repository and share 8 examples. Specifically, I use a “before and after” approach to highlight the impact of the learning strategies that engage learners better.

Do download this eBook and use it to successfully enhance the impact of compliance training in your organization.

The Impact

The eBook "Strategies to Create Compelling and Immersive Compliance Training—Featuring 8 Examples" is designed as a guide to help you in the process of evaluating different and more immersive approaches in your compliance training.

If you have any specific queries or would like to see how we can help you achieve your mandate, please do reach out to me by clicking my name above or leave a comment below.

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