Fall In Love With eLearning – How To Make Your Learners Love Their Online Learning
All people have their positive and negative experiences of learning. Truth is that for most of us the latter are more often, or at least more decisive. But if you want to strive to overturn this, there are ways to make eLearning interesting and enjoyable. By investing your time, effort, and resources, you’ll be rewarded with a series of positives changes in the behavior of your employees and the function of your organization, that are definitely worth it.
The writers of Fall In Love With eLearning - How To Make Your Learners Love Their Online Learning! prefer presenting clear solutions to abstract arguments, and you’ll come to realize this early in reading it. They have seen a number of practices and theories, like Bloom’s Taxonomy and user experience hierarchy of needs, work well and they share it with you, being straight and concise. Studying them will get you on the right foot to win the engagement of your learners.
About The eBook
What you will find in the pages of Fall In Love With eLearning - How To Make Your Learners Love Their Online Learning! are benefits and engaging characteristics of gamification, personalization, and clear pathways in eLearning. You get a handful of examples on implementing them, so that you come to decisions on what applies to your organization best. Furthermore, you are presented with a picture of what is the case when learners love their learning. The perfect scenario that will whet your appetite.
- Why Does Most eLearning Fail?
- How To Get People Loving eLearning – Theories
- How To Get People Loving eLearning – Gamification
- How To Get People Loving eLearning – Personalization
- How To Get People Loving eLearning – Clear pathways
- When Learners Love Their eLearning – The perfect scenarios
To make something right, first you have to know the point from where it has gone wrong. It is pretty simple when you see it written, but most eLearning professionals fail to instantly realize that when you set to design an exciting course, you should have in mind all you found boring back in school so that you avoid them. The first step that Growth Engineering suggests is studying the theory of Bloom’s Taxonomy about the different levels of learning, as well as the user experience hierarchy of needs.
Moving on with Fall In Love With eLearning - How To Make Your Learners Love Their Online Learning!, other practices that keep people loyal to eLearning courses are gamification and personalization. Game-based learning solves problems of motivation and engagement. You can see measurements that prove this with pretty remarkable percentages. To personalize learning, you start by asking learners to input their real-life work experiences. These you’ll apply to the whole learning journey, and they’ll feel connected all the time. On top of it, you give them the chance to go through it at their own pace, when and where they see fit.
Next proposition is to set a clear pathway for the training. This is something that puts learners in the right state of mind, to be prepared for what follows, and able to track their progress. Additionally, Growth Engineering introduces a feature they named Game Changer. This brings an element of teamwork and fun, and at the same time keeps everyone on track. Surely you want to know what comes when the above are successfully applied. A sneak preview lets you visualize learners that are more productive, like to spend more time with eLearning, recommend it to others, encourage fellow learners, share knowledge, and more generally interact, rate it highly, become more successful, thus save your company money.
If you want to discover the best ways to make your learners fall in love with the eLearning you offer them, download this eBook today.