How To Use Interactive Video-Based Learning To Enhance Your Training’s Impact

How To Use Interactive Video-Based Learning To Enhance Your Training’s Impact

How To Use Interactive Video-Based Learning To Enhance Your Training’s Impact

Using Interactive Video-Based Learning To Enhance Your Training’s Impact

Using videos for training has been an established practice for over a decade. With the wider usage of mobile learning and microlearning, we are seeing an exponential increase in the usage of video-based learning that can be consumed on the go, in short bites.

We know the impact of videos for learning, but did you know that it does have certain drawbacks or limitations that are equally important to note. These include:

  1. Most of us tend to forget the content after the initial run length of 45-60 seconds. So, the “Forgetting Curve” may set in if the run length of the video is over 2 mins.
  2. Even though videos offer an “on demand” training, they have an intrinsic limitation of “passivity”. This stems from the fact that the only controls learners have are the start/stop/pause. Therefore, after the initial few seconds, the learners may not be as engaged.
  3. Although videos offer high recall, in the traditional format they are not effective for higher levels of cognition like checkpointing the understanding or its application.
  4. We cannot track the learner’s usage of the video.

How Can You Offset The Drawbacks Or Limitations In Video-Based Learning?

The interactive video-based learning is the NextGen avatar of video-based learning, and it successfully mitigates the abovesaid challenges. In fact, it will take the learning experience up by several notches.

Through interactive video-based Learning:

Tip: This is not all. You can convert any of your existing videos (in traditional format) to an interactive video-based learning format and create more engaging and higher impact training.

Can Interactive Video-Based Learning Strategies Be Used To Meet Varied Corporate Training Needs?

You can apply interactive video-based learning across your varied corporate training needs. They can be used for:

At EI Design, we have a large practice of video-based learning and interactive video-based learning. Here is a list of our top 5 interactive video-based learning strategies:

  1. Create a learning journey that has multiple videos in the Microlearning format to support formal training.
  2. Offer microlearning videos within the learners’ workflow as Performance Support (job aids).
  3. Offer personalized video-based learning paths to the learners.
  4. Curate videos from YouTube and customize them for your learning needs.
  5. Integrate other interesting components like gamification, Virtual Reality, or Augmented Reality to create highly immersive learning experiences.

What Are The Value-adds That Interactive Video-Based Learning Offers?

There are several value-adds as you use interactive video-based learning. Here are the top 5:

What Are The Key Features Of An Interactive Video Framework?

At EI Design, we had created our interactive video-based learning framework three years ago to help our customers see a 10X impact vis-à-vis tractional video-based learning.

Highlights Of Our Interactive Video-Based Learning Framework

Key Features Of Our Interactive Video-Based Learning Framework

  1. Hotspots
  2. Click and Reveal
  3. Carousal
  4. Drop-down
  5. Timed Activity
  6. Drag and Drop
  7. Branching based on learner decisions
  8. Fill in the blanks-based assessments
  9. Single choice assessments
  10. Multiple choice assessments

As you would have noted, there are several compelling reasons why you should opt for interactive video-based learning (instead of or alongside the traditional video-based learning). I hope this article provides the required insights that will help you use it and enhance your training’s impact.

If you have any specific queries, do contact me or leave a comment below.

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