Is It Time For A Change? Popular Cultural Transformation Training Use Cases

Summary: If your enterprise is experiencing any of the following growing pains, it may be time to implement a new transition training program.

How To Effectively Tell If Its Time For A Cultural Shift

Effective cultural transformation training helps employees shift focus and build vital skills in times of flux. It also emotionally prepares them for corporate transformation so that they’re able to manage stress and improve workplace productivity. However, you need to know when to kick your training program into high gear and provide JIT to your team.

eBook Release: Time For Change: How To Launch A Successful Cultural Transformation Training Strategy For Your Enterprise
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Time For Change: How To Launch A Successful Cultural Transformation Training Strategy For Your Enterprise
Discover how to continually evolve your brand with the right cultural transformation training strategy.

7 Top Reasons To Change Corporate Culture

1. Venture Into New Markets

Whether you’re onboarding new talent in different markets or plan to expand your customer base, cultural transformation training is likely required. For example, you may want to take your brand global, which requires you to meet the demands and expectations of your new demographic, but you still need to blend these with current business practices to retain loyal customers. Some organizations even hire a localization team to conduct market research and align with cultural norms. Seasoned staffers and new recruits need effective training tools to familiarize themselves with your brand image and values, helping them bring their skills and professional know-how up to speed.

2. Brand Re-Alignment

One of the most common use cases for culture change training is brand re-focusing. Maybe you’ve changed your image recently or simply want to re-align employee performance behaviors with your core values. For example, staffers may be starting to get a bit lax on the job and no longer reflect your sense of integrity or collaboration. The training course can help you refresh their skills and brand knowledge, and build a stronger sense of community. That said, brand re-alignment calls for careful planning and organization. You need to know what your company stands for and how it’s perceived by the public, then highlight the differences between your current messaging and your new corporate culture.

3. Leadership Change

You’ve decided to shake things in management and bring in new leadership. In some cases, they might join the existing team because you lack certain talents or expertise. In most cases,
current managers will need training to refresh and reinforce their knowledge, while new leaders require onboarding training to acclimate to their surroundings and master company policy. Likewise, your entire workforce expects cultural transformation training to introduce them to new management and the change that they bring with them. Core values that you wish to add to your existing corporate culture, for example.

4. Departmental Shift

Effectively changing corporate culture doesn’t have to be a company-wide event. In fact, it may only involve a single department or group that requires transformation. To illustrate, your
customer service team must consider new corporate beliefs or work practices. Your entire company hasn’t changed, but that department needs to reflect fresh ideas and brand values to improve satisfaction scores. Or, maybe you’ve updated the goals and objectives for that employee group. Thus, their L&D certification paths have followed suit.

5. New Industry Trends Or Protocols

New tasks usually don’t warrant a company culture shift. You don’t have to overhaul your L&D strategy when you update the checkout process or expand the product catalog. The exception is tasks that relate to new industry trends or protocols. For instance, your niche may have evolved in recent months and you need to comply with updated rules or regulations. Another issue might be new technologies or techniques that streamline work processes and mitigate risks.

6. Sales And Service Adjustments

The final use case for culture change training is adapting your sales and service practices. As an example, you could be completely changing the way you pitch products and approach new
leads, or you could have decided to revamp your customer service standards to keep up with the competition and expand your base. Even employees who aren’t directly involved with customers need to know about these changes. For instance, warehouse or HR staffers must be aware of your new protocols and how to interact with consumers when necessary, such as when they’re stocking products and a customer approaches them with a question.

7. Mergers

Another reason to launch a cultural transformation strategy is to minimize the negative impacts of mergers. You’re, essentially, combining two distinct brands, corporate belief systems, and remote work teams. There’s bound to be some overlap, such as task and role redundancies. Therefore, an effective training program clarifies expectations and gets everyone behind the merged brand image.

On the other hand, if you buy out another organization and they become part of your company culture, their team needs immediate support. Thus, you must help them make the transition and integrate into your workforce with minimal stress. For example, you could develop content that recaps your messaging, protocols, and industry regulations. Bear in mind that some of your current staffers may be worried about how the merger affects their duties. Is their job in danger because someone from the other team is “going to take their place?” To address this concern, include your existing staff in cultural transformation training as well to put them at ease and reiterate expectations.


These cultural transformation training use cases are only the beginning. Any time your company undergoes change, your L&D program should follow suit. In fact, it’s best to launch an effective training strategy before the transition so that employees are ready for any obstacle. You also have the opportunity to get staffer buy-in and consider the characteristics of organizational culture, such as personalizing the process and fostering real-world application. The right LMS gives you the cutting edge and helps your organization overcome emerging challenges.

Many organizations overlook the emotional ramifications of change, such as how new team leaders or company protocols affect staffers’ stress levels and on-the-job productivity. Download Time For Change: How To Launch A Successful Cultural Transformation Training Strategy For Your Enterprise to ease employees into the transition and retain top performers.

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