Data’s Dirty Secret: Is Your e-Learning Getting Results?

Is Your e-Learning Getting Results?
Summary: According to Jack Welch, the former CEO of General Electric, “An organization's ability to learn and translate that learning into action is the ultimate competitive advantage.” Is your e-Learning getting results? Well, first let’s talk about what kind of results you’re looking for. Ultimately, e-Learning isn’t just about reducing the cost of training—although that’s a nice benefit too! e-Learning is about driving business results by improving employee knowledge and performance.

To know if your e-Learning is getting results, you have to look at the data.

What kind of data, you ask? All the kinds! Here are a few types of data that will give you a clear picture of how effective your training is:

User feedback

You can review information and comments submitted by your employees. Happy employees work harder, so it’s a good idea to make sure they think your online training is engaging and worth their time. This data doesn’t have to be a secret—and your team is probably more than happy to tell you what they love or hate about the training. Responses can be collected easily within an e-Learning course.

There is a Chinese proverb that says, “Tell me, and I'll forget. Show me, and I may remember. Involve me, and I'll understand." Ask your learners if they felt involved and engaged in the training.

You might also want to dig in and find out how effective the material was with these questions:

  • What did you learn from this e-Learning course?
  •  Was any of the material unclear or difficult to understand?
  • What will you do differently in your job after taking this course?
  • What could we do better?

Course analytics

If you prefer looking at numbers instead of written responses, you need a learning management system with advanced data reporting capabilities. Helpful data includes how many people enrolled in your course versus how many people completed it, what their scores were and more. Additional things to look for include how quickly your employees completed the course and whether or not they participated in a discussion board. Looking at this data will help you uncover the secret of whether or not your e-Learning is getting results.

Job performance

The ultimate determining factor is your bottom line. Have sales increased? Have customer complaints decreased? Have factory or plant accidents decreased? Answering these types of questions will help you determine if your e-Learning is getting results.

The secret’s out! The answer to “Is your e-Learning getting results?” is all in the data. To get the most useful data out of your e-Learning, test-drive CourseMill® LMS free for 30 days!

Originally published on March 5, 2015