7 Key Characteristics Of High Intent LMS Buyers

High Intent LMS Buyers 7 Key Characterstics
Elena Butor/Shutterstock.com
Summary: How can you tell when prospects are serious about purchasing your product? In this article, I share the key characteristics of high intent LMS buyers so that you can focus your marketing efforts.

7 Habits Of High Intent LMS Buyers

Gauging buyer intent can be tricky, especially when you’re promoting a product online and can’t physically "read" the lead. In the old days, you could tell if someone was interested by their facial expressions and body language, or if they took the time to drive all the way down to your brick-and-mortar location to peek at your product firsthand. However, LMS buyers are usually doing their window shopping in the digital marketplace. That means you have to distinguish casual "lookie-loos" from those who are actually ready to seal the deal. You can give them a little nudge or personalize your marketing approach to land the sale. Here are some telltale signs and traits that you’re dealing with high intent LMS buyers.

1. Click-Through From Backlinks

High intent LMS buyers often seek out information on the web by reading articles or guides. They’re looking for tips on how to choose the best system at the best price to avoid buyers’ regret. Publish articles that aren’t necessarily geared toward promoting your specific product but offer them general advice, such as how to create an accurate implementation budget or features to add to their must-have list. Then embed links to your landing page so they can learn more about what your platform has to offer. It’s a win-win. By clicking on the links, prospects are indicating that they have intent to buy, or at least sign up for your free trial or demo. You can also embed backlinks in guest posts on reputable sites.

2. Seek You Out On Social Media

Leads who are ready to buy usually want to know more about your company and its products. Naturally, they head for social media pages and followers. For this reason, it’s crucial to link to your social media profiles on your landing page, directory listings, and other key marketing materials, as well as to be proactive about managing your pages and following up with comments as quickly as possible. You don’t want them to visit your Facebook page only to find that it’s filled with unanswered questions or has been idle for weeks.

3. Click On Your Targeted PPC Ads

People don’t generally click on PPC ads randomly to see where it takes them. The mere act of accessing the ad link signals intent. At the very least, you’ve got their attention with the call to action. They want to know what your product can offer them and how it’s different from the rest. PPC ads also give you valuable marketing data that you can use to improve your strategy, such as which keywords generate the most interest and where your prospects are coming from, so you can fine-tune your parameters.

4. Find You Through Referrals

There are a variety of ways that high intent buyers can be referred to your LMS. It might be social media posts that rave about your system and feature an embedded link or online reviews that sing the praises of your platform and point them in the right direction. These buyers are more likely to purchase your product because it’s backed by a trusted source. They know it’s been tested and tried by other users who were satisfied with the outcome.

5. Opt-In On Your Landing Page

One of the most direct ways to identify high intent LMS buyers is to include an opt-in form on your site or landing page. Those who are truly interested in purchasing your online training software will take the time to provide their info. Think of it as a pre-commitment. They wouldn’t offer up their personal details if they weren’t already somewhat sold on your product. Just make sure that you follow all the data protection rules and clarify why you’re collecting their information, as well as what you’re using it for and how long it will be stored on your servers.

6. Verifies Your Credentials Through An Online Directory

The prospect has taken the time to look you up in an online LMS directory to verify that you’re credible and established. They’re busy, so the mere act of researching your organization and software lineup says something. It tells you that they’ve zeroed in on your product and you’re probably on their shortlist. Now your job is to get them the rest of the way by creating an amazing landing page that answers all their questions.

7. Reaches Out For More Info

Most high intent LMS buyers still have a few questions, even if the landing page has addressed most of their concerns. Thus, they won’t hesitate to fill in the contact form or send an email to vet you even further. It may be something as simple as inquiring about a specific feature or pricing plan. The info may already be spelled out on your site. However, it’s their way of interacting with you and seeing how you respond. Are you friendly and courteous? Or do you reply with a "check the website" instead of addressing their query personally? Remember, they may have high intent to buy, but they haven’t signed up just yet. Sell them on your customer service and roll out the red carpet to reassure them.


High intent LMS buyers are usually at least midway through the buyer’s journey. They already know that they’re in the market for a new system, but may not have a shortlist to work from. Thus, your marketing efforts should be focused on building brand awareness and establishing trust. Prove to them that your USPs stand out from the competition and that your product suits their needs.

Launch a targeted PPC LMS marketing campaign to attract high intent buyers and boost your conversion rates. You’ll also get prominent placement in our exclusive online directory to draw in even more hot leads who are ready to click that buy button.