How To Scale Learner-First Training

How To Scale Learner-First Training

How To Scale Learner-First Training

6 Steps To Scaling Learner-First Training

But what is learner-first training in the first place? The learner-first training model is simple but radically different from the way a lot of organizations train. In a learner-first training approach, trainers always start with the learner.

eBook Release
Establishing A Learner-First Training Model
This book aims to put in place the framework that Coassemble developed and refined over the years, providing a step by step guide to implementing your own learner-first training model.

The learner is the basis for every aspect of a company's training strategy from the company's learning goals, to their learner pathways, to the tools that they choose to train and the way they design their training. Whilst this may seem like common sense, it's actually not what a lot of trainers do.

When To Scale

In the learner-first model, ‘scale’ is a predefined stage in the training process, and it comes after the following stages:

As you can see, scaling a training process is a stage that comes after training is well and truly underway. This ensures that training is only scaled when it’s ready to scale or when you know that the training itself is effective, that no learners are slipping through the cracks in your training process, and that your data is clear and accurate. In other words, training only scales when it’s watertight.

1. Automate

The first step in scaling training is to automate your process. Map out your learner pathways, and look at every step that your learners take to complete training.

Keep one question in your mind when you look at each step: Can I automate this?

Note: if you haven’t yet mapped out learner pathways, read the article How To Structure Learner Pathways [1].

The first step in your learner pathway may be when the learner is enrolled in the first course in their training process. How is this step currently completed? Is the learner enrolled manually, or is their enrolment automated based on a trigger? Is there an opportunity to provide auto-enrollment, in which the learner signs them self up for the course?

By mapping your automation to your learner pathway, you can guarantee that you’ve covered every aspect of your training process when it comes to automation.

2. Ensure Data Clarity

Data clarity is vital to consider before scaling your training. If you’re currently missing any data when it comes to tracking and analyzing your training, then your data gaps will be magnified by tenfold when you scale.

Spend some time going through your data and identifying any gaps. Are there any areas of your training program that happen outside your LMS? Are you tracking data from these areas and feeding them back into your LMS? How about the data you’re collecting within your LMS; are you storing it properly? Can you export it?

Only when your data is watertight, will you be able to truly scale training.

3. Integrate

Refer back to your learner pathways, and ask yourself what tools you could be adding to your training process to help with scale. For example, you may require your learners to book an in-person session with a trainer at some point in your program. Can you leverage a meeting booking tool (such as Calendly) to help scale this booking process?

4. Re-Engage

The scale isn’t just about increasing the volume of your learner base but it’s also about bringing back old learners to complete more training. Consider how you could re-engage learners who have completed training or at least, how you could re-engage them in the future.

For example, you may be running a training program to improve emotional intelligence within your organization. Why not capture your learners’ emails and re-engage them with an email drip campaign that allows them to self-enroll in short courses that deepen their knowledge and ensure retention of knowledge?

5. Expand Your Learner Groups

To scale further, you’ll need to increase the number of learners in your program. If you’re training internally, then consider what groups of learners you could add to your program from within the business. Are there other geographic regions, departments, or functions within the business that would benefit from your training program? You can use the results of your program so far as to justify expanding your learner base.

Finally, consider expanding your training outside your business. By selling your training, you could be adding an extra revenue line to your business and capitalizing on the time you’ve spent building and delivering your training program. If you’re at a larger business, however, management may want to protect the IP of your training and keep it for internal delivery.

6. Provide Sharing Opportunities

To scale training further, offer your learners opportunities to share that they’ve completed your training program. Badges and certifications that can be shared on social media or via internal emails and chat will act as a word of mouth marketing channel for your program, spreading awareness of your training and attracting more learners.

Wondering how to implement your own learner-first training model? Download the eBook Establishing A Learner-First Training Model and discover the step by step process on how to perfectly execute the goal of making the learner have success. Also, discover how to incorporate career mapping into your digital training strategy using a learner-first approach through the Webinar 6 Steps To Incorporate Career Mapping Into Your Digital Training Strategy.

Read more:

  1. How To Structure Learner Pathways
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