How Can You Enhance Your Learning Management System User Experience And Integrations In 2016?

How Can You Enhance Your Learning Management System User Experience And Integrations In 2016?
Summary: A new Brandon Hall Group study found 44% of companies are considering replacing their Learning Management System in 2016, with nearly 90% of those companies wanting to boost their user experience, and 66% looking to shift toward enterprise learning technology that supports integrations with their favorite business tools.

Enhancing Your Learning Management System User Experience And Integrations In 2016 

The eLearning industry is constantly adapting to meet the needs of organizations as new technology is developed and existing tools evolve as the way learning culture at work changes. Companies that have had the same Learning Management System (LMS) for years may be shortchanging themselves by neglecting to consider the new innovations available. The research and analyst firm Brandon Hall Group found 44% of the companies they surveyed are considering replacing their Learning Management System in 2016, and 47% are either developing, or revising their learning strategy. Nearly 90% of the companies looking for a new Learning Management System want to improve their user experience (UX) and 66% of companies stated they are searching for a Learning Management System with more enterprise integration capabilities.

About 44% of companies are actively considering replacing the current Learning Management System solution. This number is up 16% from 2015, so what is driving companies to change? An overwhelming 88% indicate it is the need for an improved user experience. The second most common reason is the need for an improved administrative experience (74%). Ease of use has always been near the top of drivers for change, but never with such authority.

Importance Of User Experience

A bad first impression is always difficult to turn around. With that in mind, the way users interact with an eLearning platform is paramount to their overall satisfaction with the organization. Aside from the initial pre-employment interview, a Learning Management System is often the first interaction they have with a company.

A well thought out and organized Learning Management System means your learners will be able to easily navigate through your platform, and this ease of use will boost their engagement and knowledge retention. It also shows them that you put time and effort into your learner’s overall development in your organization.

It seems to be common sense that a system should be easy to use, but the stark reality is that many learning software applications are anything but. User experience (UX) is critical in learning, as this software is often the first interaction an employee has with the organization.

Preferred Ways Of Boosting User Experience

A simple way to bolster user experience is to implement a Learning Management System that lets you improve the look and feel of your eLearning platform. A Learning Management System that displays content in a grid like pattern is familiar and easy to navigate.

In 2016, Brandon Hall Group found organizations are searching for a Learning Management System with a blend of formal and informal learning.

When it comes to technology-enabled informal learning, more than half of companies consider discussion forums and collaborate on platforms as either essential or critical to the business.

Research shows that having a Learning Management System with blended, formal, and informal learning improves user engagement and knowledge retention.

Mobile features are also proving to be top priorities for organizations.

Companies say that new technologies are the top priority, but there are myriad technology issues clamoring for attention. Within the chaotic learning environment, the biggest priorities within technology are social and mobile solutions. Brandon Hall Group has been researching learning technology for years, and mobile and social have been steadily climbing the priority list.

A Learning Management System with mobile capabilities lets your learners engage in their coursework anywhere, anytime. By putting the power in your learner’s hands, the goal is to make them want to come back to the course materials to learn more.

Importance Of Enterprise Integrations

When it comes to integrations within learning management systems, the more a Learning Management System offers, the better off an organization will be. In their study, Brandon Hall Group found:

The need to integrate with other systems is a big factor in why organizations switch learning technology providers. Also, 77% of companies say that integration capabilities are either essential or critical for their learning technology vendors to have.

In 2016, this need is shaping the way companies are shopping for Learning Management Systems.

As for the learning technology itself, more than two-thirds of companies say that the next learning technology they buy will be a suite of integrated technologies from a single vendor. So, despite the APIs and ease of integrations that come with the cloud, twice as many companies are interested in suite solutions than best-of-breed solutions that they must get to work together.

Modern Learning Solutions Continue To Gain Importance

A great Learning Management System will enable you to configure your platform in a way that places your learning content in the workflow, so your users aren’t forced to stop what they’re doing to complete a training module. This is essential if you want your users to voluntarily return to your platform to continue their education.

Along with many other user-centric updates, Docebo’s latest update now offers grid like channels that give your learners a sense of direction in your platform. Docebo 6.9 also adds more integrations: Blue Jeans and for web conferencing, Salesforce, Lectora, and Shopify.

Discover how important user experience and integrations are for organizations in 2016 - download the free report, available exclusively from Docebo.

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Docebo is the world's most powerful learning platform, built for the business of learning.