Making Learning Inclusive: A Quick Reference Guide On Accessibility Standards

Making Learning Inclusive: A Quick Reference Guide On Accessibility Standards

Making Learning Inclusive: A Quick Reference Guide On Accessibility Standards

Accessibility Requirements For eLearning Development

Accessibility in learning is an essential component in developing eLearning content that people with a range of abilities can easily access. Accessibility standards provide instructional and graphic designers with the much needed guidance to design accessible eLearning content that all learners—including those with disabilities—are able to access. Accessible content benefits all learners and improves personal and organizational productivity.

Accessibility Standards As Required By Law

eLearning accessibility standards have been developed to help organizations ensure that the benefits of their content are not limited to only a certain section of individuals. Instead, by following the prescribed accessibility standards and guidelines, organizations can expand the reach of the same information to a diverse set of people, including those with different disabilities.

To ensure content is accessible, it is imperative that organizations know about accessibility requirements for eLearning development. This understanding enables them to design their educational content in line with the eLearning accessibility standards, thereby enhancing the learning experience for all learners.

Some of the accessibility standards that organizations can familiarize themselves with include:

Leverage The Latest Technologies To Design Accessible Learning Content

In addition to being aware of the several guidelines to develop web content that follows accessibility standards, organizations must also be equally aware of the changes and advancements in technology.

The increasing use of new smart devices, innovative tools, and assistive technology has revolutionized how eLearning content is developed. These technological developments are making it possible to deliver content and learning experiences in an interactive way. By combining accessibility standards with the latest technology, organizations can change the manner in which people with disabilities access learning content. Some of the technologies that are revolutionizing the development of learning content, and that which organizations must be aware of, include:

Know Your Learners

Before embarking on developing content that aligns with eLearning accessibility standards, it would be prudent to understand the audience. This understanding will inform the entire development process so that the end solution can benefit a larger audience, comprising people with varying disabilities.

It may be mentioned that one in every ten learners is differently abled. With this information, developers may strive to incorporate information on disabilities when identifying the learning audience and performing organizational learning analysis. Furthermore, educating the learning teams on accessibility guidelines can empower them to better identify the requirements, which will enhance storyboard templates and ensure the applicable accessibility standards are met. Organizations may consider including experts—who are differently abled—in the QA team, as part of the process.

Best Practices To Align With eLearning Accessibility Standards

Organizations may find the following best practices useful when designing a Section 508-compliant course that also meets eLearning accessibility standards.

To reiterate, several learners suffer from some form of disability or other, whereas only a few have access to assistive technology. Therefore, to facilitate access to eLearning content for people with disabilities, developers should include accessibility in learning design in accordance with the prescribed accessibility standards. This can be achieved by following eLearning accessibility standards as described below:

Parting Thoughts

Technological advancements continue to provide a wide spectrum of learners—including those with disabilities—with the ability to access and benefit from eLearning content. At the same time, more innovative advancements in technology will improve learner accessibility even further. As a result, the existing guidelines and eLearning accessibility standards will continue to evolve as well as lead to the production of more guidelines and standards to ensure accessibility success. Therefore, it is essential that organizations keep pace with the latest updates in accessibility standards and check the latest guidelines prior to implementing any learning technology so that they are fully compliant with the most recent standards.

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