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Learning Pool
Seanan Heaney
Smarter Learning. Better Performance.
Learning Pool creates learning experiences that deliver extraordinary outcomes for workplaces investing in the performance and skills of their people. Supporting thousands of businesses, Learning Pool’s innovative AI learning platforms and skills solutions, combine integrated technology and adaptive content to produce actionable insight on every learner’s performance.
If you want to discover innovative approaches to skills training and ignite engagement, then this article is for you. Explore techniques that foster emotional connectivity and immerse learners in the process to transform your L&D strategy.
The current business landscape is constantly shifting with uncertainty and ambiguity. From the talent war to the near-unpredictable markets and the rapidly evolving technologies, present circumstances have become a wake-up call for many companies in as many industries.
Discover how data-driven decision making can shape your L&D strategy, and why you shouldn't neglect advanced analytics if you want to drive your company toward success.
As companies race against the clock to future-proof their businesses against market fluctuations, upskilling and reskilling initiatives have a significant role to play in this endeavor.
How can upskilling drive higher employee retention rates and boost talent acquisition? Learn how upskilling training creates a workplace that values professional development.