eBook Release: Microlearning 101—A Best Practice Guide To Supercharge Your L&D Program

How To Use Microlearning In Your L&D Program
Sergey Nivens / Shutterstock.com
Summary: An analysis of the best ways to implement microlearning and save money and time.

Helping L&D Teams Provide Just Enough Learning, Just In Time

You should really be using microlearning in your L&D program. Microlearning is everywhere nowadays. It started growing in popularity, eventually becoming a buzzword in 2016. It is now considered a very compelling solution that helps learners everywhere. It is very efficient in assisting learners with keeping up with user requirements that are continually changing.

eBook Release: Microlearning 101: A Best Practice Guide To Supercharge Your L&D Program
eBook Release
Microlearning 101: A Best Practice Guide To Supercharge Your L&D Program
Discover how to implement microlearning to support self-directed learning, increase learning retention, boost learner satisfaction, and save money and time.

The principle behind microlearning is a simple but brilliant one. If an L&D team can break down the content in bite-sized units of knowledge, they can increase their rates of content development dramatically. On the other hand, modern learners also prefer learning in their own way and at their own pace, so this is ideal for them as well. Microlearning 101: A Best Practice Guide To Supercharge Your L&D Program is a great eBook that explains in full detail the benefits of microlearning and lays out the blueprints to help you have microlearning in your L&D program in the best way possible.

About This eBook

One of the things I really love about this eBook is how loyal it is to the principles of microlearning. It breaks down the concept to smaller sections that are easy to follow, and each one builds on the material from the previous one.

What Exactly Is Microlearning

The first chapter introduces us to everyone's favorite buzzword, "microlearning," and explains what the exact criteria behind that definition are. Various definitions of microlearning are discussed along with its ease of accessibility, design, and best ways to implement it.

Understanding The Value Of Microlearning In Your L&D Program

If you manage to implement microlearning in your L&D program correctly, expect great value from it. The next chapter discusses how microlearning can be beneficial not only to L&D professionals but also learners. These benefits include easiness over large-scale training programs, agility, more efficient management, more accessible analytics, seamless incorporation into the daily workflow, and great compatibility with our natural learning processes.

Poor L&D Is Actually Very Expensive

The next chapter discusses how poor L&D can cost dearly. It starts with a dear anecdote of an old Peter Baekland quote. The CFO asks the CEO, “What if we invest in our people and they leave?” The CEO replies, “What if we don’t and they stay?”. This immediately sets the tone and explains why L&D is so essential to a company.

Best Practices Of Microlearning

Everyone understands the importance of microlearning in an L&D program; there are, however, a lot of things one should be looking out for when implementing it. In this chapter, you will find a series of questions that you need to ask yourselves before you even begin the implementation in order to be aware of what your capabilities are and what dangers lie in store.

How To Choose A Microlearning Solution

The final chapter of this eBook explains how the best microlearning solutions can integrate with multiple authoring tools, content vendors and content curation tools, so you can pick and choose the learning assets you want and then incorporate them into a single subject area or course.

You should look for a platform that offers inbuilt authoring tools so that you can create your own content on the fly in video, audio, or HTML digital formats. You should also think about a solution that lets you pool knowledge from your own in-house experts, with social features like Q&As that can then be turned into FAQs or other assets. You’ll also be better off with a platform that lets you reuse assets in multiple subject areas. This way, if you want to change or update an asset, that change will be reflected throughout the system. This is important for keeping microlearning content up to date.

In Conclusion

Discover how to implement microlearning to support self-directed learning, increase learning retention, boost learner satisfaction, and save money and time. The eBook Microlearning 101: A Best Practice Guide To Supercharge Your L&D Program has everything you need. This eBook is a great statement of Learn Amp's mission to make work life better. They make it easy to map out and deliver the best employee journey. Learn Amp combines learning, engagement, and performance management tools in one seamless platform driving better business results and higher employee retention.

Originally published on August 16, 2020