8 Business Benefits Of Microlearning For Organizations

8 Business Benefits Of Microlearning For Organizations
Summary: Conventional training methods are not sufficient for continuous skills updates as they confine learners to closed systems. Here is why microlearning enhances learning by offering learning solutions that are fast-paced and combine different learning styles.

How Microlearning Can Benefit Your Organization

When aligned with formal training methods and implemented on online platforms, microlearning has the potential to support professional development. When learning time is short and the need is evident, that’s where microlearning works its magic!

Bite-Size Revolution With Microlearning - Small Chunks, Big Returns
In this eBook you will discover benefits, types, latest technologies, dos and don’ts of Microlearning.

The Advantages Of Microlearning For Your Business

Here are some of the benefits of microlearning that helps organizations reap business benefits:

1. Learner-Centric

The bite-sized information can be embedded in the learning path, enabling learners to choose what they want to learn and on which kind of device. Microlearning helps to address a plethora of diverse learning styles.

2. Perfect For Mobile Learning

Microlearning fits best for mobile-based learning, as learners can participate in short learning modules as per their convenience. No matter, if they are in a meeting or stuck in traffic, they can access the training content on their mobile device and enhance their knowledge level.

3. Cost-Effective Approach

Microlearning is perfect if you have limited training budgets. You can organize quality proven e-learning sessions, prepare online presentations or tutorials at a lesser amount

compared to the cost of a full-sized training program. It is more precise and condensed, therefore it requires less design time, which is another plus point.

4. Easy To Update

The nuggets of information are easy to update, thus reducing the overall turn around time. It does not take much time to fix or update them, thus adding an advantage for the organizations.

5. Rapidly Fills Skill Gaps

Microlearning focuses on one task or concept at a time. This enables learners to fill their performance gaps more quickly. Learners are not required to sit all-day to attend a lengthy online course, but can simply access the specific module to improve knowledge. For instance: If you need to know how to repair some part of a machinery, then you can simply access that specific module to brush up your knowledge and re-enforce the process involved.

6. Boosts Learner Motivation

When learners are able to finish a short training module and acquire the skills they need, it helps to drive their motivation level and prompts them to seek out for more learning opportunities.

7. Wider Application

Microlearning is implemented for both formal and informal training requirements. It provides learners an opportunity to use microlearning as a performance support tool, and chunks of information as a series of sources.

8. Just-In-Time Support

Learners pull microlearning moments as per their convenience. This empowers just-in-time performance support so that participants can apply learning in real-time at the point of need. Organizations reap the benefit of a well-trained staff that helps them gain excellence.

Microlearning is not a replacement for everyday learning that includes classroom learning, collaborative learning, or any other method to engage modern learners. Instead, it is mostly useful for employees when they need an immediate resolution to their problems. Its flexibility makes it easier to engage learning whenever and wherever learners prefer, thus making it a perfect learning environment for all.

Audiences That Appreciate Microlearning

Every day, all of us engage in microlearning. Whether you are flicking through news headlines, browsing through social media sites on your mobile device, you digest new information quickly before going to the next topic. Millennials who have grown up with smartphones and tablets, have the tendency to digest chunked content. Various audiences can be identified who are well inclined to microlearning:

  1. Natural Microlearners.
    Born and brought up in the age of smartphones, Millennials wish to access information that is short and to the point. If organizations deliver micro content, they align with less attention span and engage more audience. It leads to increased learner efficiency and retention rate, over traditional learning approach.
  2. Learners Across Start-Ups And Smaller Organizations.
    Many organizations prefer microlearning because it provides them efficiencies of time as well as money. Start-ups or smaller organizations can create relevant learning content and make it available for their learners – making sure limited budgets or timelines is not a deterrent to learning.
  3. Learning Empowerment.
    Enabling young learners to have more control over how, when and what they learn empowers them to take responsibility for their learning capability, and helps them boost their confidence level.

If you want to know more about how microlearning can benefit your organization, download the free eBook Bite-Size Revolution With Microlearning - Small Chunks, Big Returns.

Related Articles:

  1. Microlearning: Technologies Used And Development Process
  2. Free eBook: Bite-Size Revolution With Microlearning – Small Chunks, Big Returns
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