Top 10 Benefits Of Microlearning In Corporate Training

Top 10 Benefits Of Microlearning In Corporate Training

Top 10 Benefits Of Microlearning In Corporate Training

Microlearning In Corporate Training: 10 Major Benefits

Microlearning in corporate training is not "eLearning-lite". So, just splicing the existing 30 minutes eLearning course into 5 nuggets does not create microlearning nuggets.

What Is Microlearning?

Microlearning is short, bite-sized learning (of 3-7 mins length or shorter) that was designed to meet a specific learning outcome.

You can use microlearning in corporate training to help learners:

  1. Learn new aspects
  2. Go deeper into specific aspects
  3. Practice
  4. Solve a particular problem
  5. Equip them on how to handle something that has changed

What Are The Key Aspects Of Microlearning In Corporate Training?

Typically, designed to be available across all devices, its multi-device capability provides flexibility to take it on desktops, laptops, tablets, or smartphones.

While its usage initially began for informal learning (notably as Performance Support or just-in-time learning aids to support or reinforce primary training), today it is being used for all aspects of corporate training including:

  1. Formal training
    As a series of nuggets connected through a learning path
  2. Performance Support Tools
  3. Pre- or post-workshop support for Instructor Led Training (ILT)

What Are The Top 10 Benefits Of Adopting Microlearning?

Microlearning in corporate training offers gains to both learners and to business. Here is my list of top 10 benefits that clearly illustrate why you should adopt microlearning.

Benefits For Learners

  1. Less Time Consuming
    Microlearning is ideal to mitigate the challenges of attention spans.
  2. Learner-Centric
    All of us live in a world of distractions, and anything that is short and easy to assimilate is certainly welcome. Nearly 80% of L&D professionals confirm that microlearning is the preferred approach for their learners.
  3. Better Learning Experience
    Use of high impact, rich media formats creates a higher engagement quotient as well as sticky learning experiences.
  4. Just-in-Time Availability
    Microlearning nuggets are available to learners exactly at the moment of their need and more specifically, within their workflow. Both these factors lead to a "pull" of these assets by learners (in contrast to the "push" of traditional eLearning by L&D teams).
  5. Accessible and Flexible
    Microlearning assets are designed for multi-device delivery offering learners the accessibility of the training on the device of their choice. This offers tremendous flexibility to the learners.

Benefits For Business

  1. Microlearning can be used to meet most of the corporate training needs (and for both formal and informal learning).
  2. Given shorter run lengths as compared to traditional eLearning, the microlearning nuggets are more cost-effective.
  3. As a logical extension, microlearning nuggets have a shorter development cycle.
  4. Microlearning is also easier to update and re-deploy.
  5. Create higher impact
    Studies indicate that microlearning based training creates 50% more engagement and leads to better completion rates and more sticky learning. When designed as Performance Support (learning aids), it improves the application of the learning on the job.

I hope this article provides you with compelling reasons on why you should adopt microlearning for corporate training in your organization. If you have any queries, do contact me at


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