Mobile Learning Is Not Just About Smaller Screens

Mobile Learning Is Not Just About Smaller Screens

Mobile Learning Is Not Just About Smaller Screens

Discover Why Mobile Learning Is More Than Just Screen Size

Mobile-friendly website design is certainly not a new thing. So, why is it different for an eLearning portal? “Your site will be fully responsive to mobile devices,” a feeble promise from a web developer. So what they mostly do is fit the entire website onto a smaller screen. Page by page you can navigate through the entire site, looking at a miniature version of the same web page you see on your laptop. This works for many websites but not if it is an interactive platform demanding full concentration of the end-user.

This is why the transformation of an eLearning portal onto mobile devices is not free from its own challenges. The browsing habits of an individual are quite different on these two sets of devices. When someone is opening a page on a laptop or a computer then it is likely that they are giving more time and dedication to that portal. There are fewer on-screen distractions. That is why adopting a mobile learning setup is so difficult.

Spell The Magic In Fewer Words

There is a reason why magic spells are normally short verses and not long narratives. The same applies to mobile learning platforms. One should realize that mobile devices are entangled with the personal life of the user. That means they will keep on having notifications from their social media channels, like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Netflix, etc. during the duration of the learning interaction. This will curb their attention span. So, if there are long texts to be read then naturally they will lose track. This will make learning less effective.

This is why it is essential that you break the entire courses into small, snippet-like lecturers. This keeps the information short and it does not challenge the learner. By adhering to the concept of microlearning, we allow unlimited lectures to be added to every course.

Less Typing, More Action

Online course-related tasks are very important. Completion of the tasks gives the learners a sense of accomplishment. As they are not physically meeting their teacher, it is the only validation they receive in an online learning environment. It also gives the eTeacher a chance to keep track of their students.

However, if you make them type a lot for their assessment tests then it beats the purpose of mobile learning. The evaluation and tests should be more action-based. Multiple-choice answers or matching the correct figures with the information provided would be a more suitable assessment method for eLearning. The learners do not have the time and scope to type in long phrases or sentences for their online courses.

Make It Fun, Give Them The Thrill

Think of your online academy as a mobile app. In the online sphere, you will be competing with other apps. That is why it important to create an eLearning platform that will lure your learners to stay online for as long as possible.

Segment your courses into small doable sections. Tempt your learners to complete more courses at one go. Gamify your online lectures so that the learners also have fun whilst working on them. Interactive videos and games will make the online course an entertaining alternative for learning.

Get Them Hooked

Many eTeachers have faced challenges in retaining their learners. Most of the time the learners come for one specific course and then they disappear. That is why app-based features, like sending notifications, have become quite trendy in the mobile learning environment.

Online academies can now send direct notifications to previously registered users whenever there are new courses that match their type and interest. In this way, the eEducators can sell their courses by pitching the same to the previous clients.

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