8 Online Training Topics Employees Dread And Tips To Turn The Tides

8 Online Training Topics Employees Dread And Tips To Turn The Tides
Roman Samborskyi/Shutterstock.com
Summary: Are employees thinking of every excuse in the book to skip the next L&D session? In this article, I’ll highlight 8 online training topics employees dread and tips to turn things around.

Dread-Worthy Online Training Topics And How To Deal With Them

There are simply some online training topics that are more compelling than others. Employees may not drop everything to attend an online training course out of sheer excitement. However, they will actively participate and engage to get the most from the online training experience. Then there are topics that employees would rather avoid at all costs. The boring, dry, dull, and potentially frustrating subject matter that’s challenging to master. Have no fear, because there are ways to transform these 8 dread-worthy topics into engaging online training content.

8 Online Training Topics That Employees Loathe

1. Company Policy

Let’s be honest, nobody really looks forward to learning about the dress code or COI policies even if they do take pride in working for the organization. This is why the company manual is at the top of your employees’ loathe list. Fortunately, you can turn things around by converting company policy online training into interactive and immersive serious games. For example, one gaming experience might feature a character who needs to sport the right attire. Your corporate learners must drag and drop the ideal uniform onto the animated employee based on their job position or department.

2. Business Ethics

It’s not that employees don’t want to uphold the standards of the organization. But business ethics online training often makes them feel like they’re being judged or criticized. That every decision or action is being evaluated under a microscope. The key is to lighten the tone and encourage employees to become part of the process. For example, use real-world simulations that allow them to evaluate their own work performance and identify ethical sticking points. You can also use realistic examples and stories that help them relate to the online training topic without making them feel singled out.

3. Customer Service

Every employee should participate in customer service online training to some extent, even if they don’t interact with customers on a daily basis. However, learning how to gracefully handle consumer complaints and diffuse difficult situations is a tricky task. Make your customer service online training more engaging and entertaining with animated videos. Each video can feature a customer persona or challenging situation, along with helpful tips on how to navigate the situation.

4. Workplace Safety

The most common reason why employees dread safety online training isn’t because it’s irrelevant or difficult. The main culprit is perception. Employees are used to safety demo videos with overdramatized reenactments or unrelatable characters. For this reason, it’s essential to create online training resources that resonate with them on a personal level. For example, use online training simulations or branching scenarios to immerse them in the action and show the repercussions of their choices, such as endangering the well being of their co-workers by not following protocol.

5. Performance Management

This is yet another online training topic that makes employees feel like their workplace behaviors are second-guessed or "nitpicked." People don’t like to be singled out, and many performance management online training programs require them to identify weaknesses or pain points. However, you have the power to change all that by cultivating a supportive corporate eLearning culture. Encourage employees to assess their own performance autonomously through microlearning online training resources. Prime examples are simulations, pop quizzes, and demo videos that allow them to pinpoint personal obstacles. Develop a peer-based coaching program or launch a social media group so that they can work collectively to bridge gaps and provide feedback.

7. Conflict Resolution

Human beings, as a rule, don’t enjoy conflict. They avoid fights at any cost and the mere thought of getting into an argument at work is stressful. Let alone, having to sit through an online training course that forces them to endure conflicts and deal with the emotions that come with it. Transform your conflict resolution soft skills training into a collaborative experience that allows employees to benefit from their peers’ perspectives. For example, a group collaboration project that enables them to work together to solve a problem and manage the team dynamic. If an issue arises, they must figure out how to communicate and resolve the conflict organically.

7. Interpersonal Skills

Interpersonal skills are one of the most difficult abilities to teach, from communication and active listening to lateral thinking and deciphering body language. One of the most effective ways to cultivate these skills and get employees actively involved is to put them into a practical context. Include virtual simulations that give them the opportunity to apply these skills in real-world settings. Host live online training events that allow them to interact with peers and explore different viewpoints. You can also include demo videos that impart the fundamentals. For instance, how to actively listen during a conversation or how to read facial expressions to improve customer experience.

8. Product Knowledge

Employees understand that they need to know the specs, features, and benefits of the products you offer. However, the thought of reading yet another product manual or spec sheet is almost too much to bear. The trick is to make your product knowledge online training interactive so that employees can explore them firsthand. For example, virtual simulations that allow them to try out the product or examine the inner workings. Or serious games that give them the chance to pitch the product to virtual consumers. Sealing the deal gets them to the next level or they earn enough points to get that sought-after badge.


These 8 online training topics don’t have to be bland, boring, or otherwise dread-worthy. Use our insider tips to transform the most reluctant employees into fully-engaged lifelong learners. The secret is making it personal and tying it into real-world uses so that they understand how they will improve their workplace performance and achieve their career goals. You should also get their feedback to custom tailor L&D experiences and foster emotional connectivity.

Looking for a cost-effective way to boost employee engagement? There are plenty of eLearning content providers that specialize in custom content development. In fact, our exclusive online directory has all the leading vendors for every industry, price point, and use case.

Originally published on January 1, 2021