The Pick And Mix Approach: Top Ways Custom Training Solutions Solve L&D Challenges

The Pick And Mix Approach: Top Ways Custom Training Solutions Solve L&D Challenges

The Pick And Mix Approach: Top Ways Custom Training Solutions Solve L&D Challenges

Custom Learning Solutions That Help You Solve L&D challenges

A little from column A, a little from column B… Allow your learners to take a pick and mix approach to their learning journey by using custom training solutions and put your people, not your tech, firmly in the frame.

“The last thing learning should be is restrictive! So as well as being able to access it easily, we should be able to dip in and out, and not necessarily need to set aside hours to achieve anything (completely unrealistic when, according to recent research, the average person has 9 minutes to learn a week). Small chunks can build into bigger learnings.”

Candice Gardner, Education Manager – Digital and Content, Dermalogica

eBook Release
How Custom Learning Experiences Help Build A Continuous Improvement Culture
Discover how to support and develop a continuous improvement culture with custom learning.

Key Reasons Custom Training Solutions Overcome L&D Obstacles

1. It Takes A "People First, Tools Second' Approach

First, recognise any established collaborative networks that are willing to actively work together. Building a collective body of knowledge and experience requires individual effort; it doesn’t just happen, whatever we say about learning in the flow of work. Next, create new patterns of behaviours through supportive intervention. Whether that’s through your LMS or LXP or via a range of media and devices to build a ‘sense’ of community, i.e. photo sharing, storytelling, virtual or real team and individual coaching. And it doesn’t have to all occur offline or in-platform. You can use existing social tools that are already embedded in the business, like Teams or Slack, to support the call to action from a piece of learning. Building on existing best practice, you can use the system to your advantage and as a result deliver demonstrable results for the team whilst contributing to the wider organisation's targets and goals

2. It Lets You Be Creative With Content Types

Here are a few suggestions for your custom eLearning solutions:

However, personalisation is not just about content types - it is also about making learning accessible so people can consume it in a way that works for them – whether that’s in the middle of the night, during daylight hours, or on their commute.

Personalisation is also about making learning feel relevant for the individual – again, moving away from that one-size fits-all approach to make content feel more bespoke. Outlining exactly how this content is relevant to the individual, showing the impacts and benefits up front, creates greater buy-in, better engagement and improves learning completion.

3. It Makes Great Learning Design The Star, Not The Technology

The Kineo best practice approach to the development of next gen learning content is to WISE up:

WISE is learner-centric model based on assumptions about the common preferences and learning styles of people in today’s workplace, given the ubiquity of technology and online content in everyday life.

4. It Creates A Clear Path For Learners To Follow

Here are some typical steps for you to consider for the main journey or programme outline:


Tip: Think about what a learner needs, help them understand what is expected, what they will get out of the programme and how much commitment is needed and why.

Core Learning

Tip: Think about experiential design, the experience itself should be built around a learning and business goal: This captures the point of the experience and defines how learners’ behaviour should change as a result of the learning.

Graduation Or Certification

Learners need to have specific goals and to feel recognised for their achievement. Having a specific celebration like a graduation or reaching a certification point helps to build motivation. Programmes that offer this tend to enjoy increased engagement, improved satisfaction for both individuals and for the organisation.


This phase of the programme focuses on continuing the learning process once the core learning has been completed. The key question here is how to enable and embed continued learning and development.


Pick and Mix custom training solutions are learner-centered and experience-driven. You have the power to target L&D challenges that negatively impact on the job performance. Likewise, employees have the opportunity to focus on personal areas for improvement and choose the best delivery method for their needs.

Download the eBook How Custom Learning Experiences Help Build A Continuous Improvement Culture to find out how custom-tailored eLearning experiences can help you overcome obstacles and personalize the employee development process.

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