Post COVID-19 Education System: eLearning Vs. Classroom-Based Learning

eLearning Vs. Classroom-Based Learning

eLearning Vs. Classroom-Based Learning

eLearning Vs. Classroom-Based Learning

Classroom-based learning has taken a hit due to the COVID-19 scenario. Moreover, the alternative has asked us whether eLearning is a really good way of teaching. Making the shift in education is by far the most challenging thing. One of the major reasons is the technological challenges faced by umpteen bottlenecks due to the lack of face-to-face interaction. But, with so many negatives, is eLearning the real villain in 2020? Or, is it the new messiah that the education community is looking forward to? In this article, I will do a comparative study between eLearning classes and the classroom mode of teaching. At the end of the article, I shall discuss whether eLearning will take over once the COVID-19 pandemic comes to an end.

eLearning Classes: An Overview

With the recent torchbearer being the schools and universities, it might seem to many that eLearning is the "new thing." Surprisingly, eLearning has been around even before COVID-19.

Udemy is one of the best examples of eLearning. This platform was founded in 2010. With a large number of different niche courses and qualified teachers, this platform has been revolutionizing the education industry since the boom of the internet.

Reasons why eLearning is an enhanced form of learning:

eLearning Drawbacks:

Classroom-Based Learning: An Overview

Traditional classroom-based learning has taken a hit due to COVID-19 and there are a lot of students missing this type of class.

Benefits of classroom-based learning include:

Disadvantages of classroom-based education:

Bottom Line

It is important to note that both of them are necessary. They cannot be replaced with one another. Instead, the future demands that both online and offline classes be conducted in tandem, thus leading to better results.

The benefits of both of them are highly valuable in building a robust education system. Thus, creating a curriculum that enhances a judicial mix of both the modes of teaching will be the outlook.

COVID-19 has been the inflection point in the education domain. The new age of education will be the most beneficial one for the younger generations. COVID-19 has taught us more about the hassle-free education system. There is a clear indication that we will be familiar with eLearning education after this epidemic.

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