7 Reasons Why Investing In VR Training Is A Smart Choice
Most people associate Virtual Reality with gaming. Slipping on a headset and fighting fictional foes or exploring mythical landscapes. It’s a great way to let off some steam, but probably won’t help you build soft skills or bridge performance gaps. That’s where VR training comes into play—pun intended. Is Virtual Reality a wise decision for your organization? Or should you opt for more traditional real-world activities, like branching scenarios and simulations on the small screen? Here are 7 reasons why Virtual Reality training takes your L&D program to the next level and warrants your investment.
1. Immerse Employees In Real-World Challenges
Employees must be ready for all possible scenarios when they clock in every day. Of course, some obstacles are out of the question. Your customer service staff probably won’t be called on to pitch at a client meeting, for instance. But there are common challenges they face that do require some prep work. VR training immerses them in these real-world situations so they gain more experience. A Virtual Reality simulation allows them to step inside a customer complaint scenario or resolve a coworker conflict.
2. Test How Team Leadership Responds Under Pressure
Managers and supervisors deal with stress every day. Some days might be easier than others. But they must still be on alert. They should be ready to handle complex customer issues or diffuse arguments. VR training tests how well your leadership responds to high-pressure situations and builds self-confidence. They know they can keep a cool head because Virtual Reality tests their mettle and gives them ample practice. You can even host follow-up eLearning feedback sessions to discuss their performance. Should they have handled the situation differently? Did the VR training reveal any hidden skill gaps? Which support tools or certification online courses can help them manage stress more effectively?
3. Teach Valuable L&D Lessons Without The Risk
In the good old days, the only way to learn from mistakes was to make them. Usually, this involved on-the-job embarrassment and lost sales opportunities. VR training gives employees the chance to make mistakes without negative consequences. They test out different approaches to see which bring the best outcomes. They don’t have to offend an actual customer to realize that their communication skills need some work. Or endanger a coworker if they forget the safety protocols. Virtual Reality training teaches valuable lessons they can use in the workplace. Without putting lives—or your profit margin—at risk.
4. Get Employees Emotionally Invested
Many employees feel disconnected from the online training experience. They can’t relate on an emotional level because the online training content simply isn’t relevant or it lacks interactivity. They’re observers instead of participants. This makes them feel powerless. VR training gets them emotionally invested because they’re thrown into the middle of the action. Employees are face-to-face with customers or standing on the virtual sales floor when a fire breaks out. Everything that occurs is relevant because it’s happening to them and ties into their work duties.
5. Remove External Distractions
Some VR naysayers claim that Virtual Reality is a distraction. But, in many respects, it actually removes external distractions that pull employees out of the online training experience. There are no social media notifications or online games to lure them away from the activity. They’re fully immersed in the scenario and can concentrate on the task at hand. Even busy office environments won’t stand in the way of knowledge assimilation. The same cannot be said for traditional online training simulations. Or serious games where there’s still physical—and emotional—distance between employee training participants and the online training content. The key is to make your VR training tools as realistic as possible to hold their attention. Use relatable characters, settings, and sound effects to get them hooked.
6. Improve Employee Engagement And Retention
Employees usually dread training, which has a direct impact on how well they retain the information. Successful VR training boosts engagement because it’s enjoyable and interactive. It may involve stressful scenarios or complex compliance issues, but they’re in charge of the situation. This helps employees better understand the concepts and connect them to their pre-existing knowledge base. They don’t just remember the takeaways. The entire online training experience becomes part of their mental schema. This multi-sensory experience that makes them accountable for their actions. And it allows them to take risks, minus the repercussions.
7. Host Face-To-Face Live Events
Live events already break down barriers and facilitate ILT anywhere in the world. Instructors don’t need to travel to the site or print training materials. However, one of the hidden benefits of a Virtual Reality training program is the ability to host face-to-face live events. This removes screens from the equation. It also allows employees to interact directly with online instructors and peers. Video conferencing tools and VR headsets gather your team in a virtual location to discuss topics and share tips. This is also beneficial for your L&D team. They can host remote collab meetings. For example, talk about the updated online training objectives and how to incorporate them into the existing compliance course.
Successful VR training is not a frivolous investment as some critics might lead you to believe. Nor is it reserved for large organizations that can afford "expensive" VR tech tools. Even startups and SMBs can implement a successful Virtual Reality training program by starting small and prioritizing gaps. Begin with simulations and branching scenarios that target the most crucial performance challenges. Use a rapid eLearning authoring tool to develop immersive online training content. Or outsource the task to VR pros. Interactive training is within your grasp and most assuredly warrants your L&D investment.
You can launch your own successful VR training program with the right eLearning outsourcing partner, regardless of the resources and size of your business. Download the eBook VR Training Outsourcing: Your Guide To Launching A Successful Virtual Reality Training Program With A Top-Notch Content Provider and find out how to warrant your investment while boosting your employees’ performance and self-confidence.