eBook Release: Engaging Learners By Revolutionizing User Experience

Free eBook: Engaging Learners By Revolutionizing User Experience
Summary: In the eBook Engaging Learners By Revolutionizing User Experience you will find out how a great learner experience is the Holy Grail of a Learning Management System.

Revolutionizing User Experience: How A Great Learner Experience Is The Holy Grail Of An LMS

All Learning and Development (L&D) leaders have many things to consider when implementing a new Learning Management System or replacing an existing one: How will we implement the system? Are the prospective vendors credible? How will our IT infrastructure incorporate a new solution into our existing technology framework? These are all valid questions, but there is one question that is really critical: “Will our learners love our Learning Management System?”

In other words: How can we create a great learner experience?

In the eBook Revolutionizing User Experience: How A Great Learner Experience Is The Holy Grail Of An LMS you will find what kind of Learning Management System our organization needs to have to meet your Learning and Development needs. After all, improving user experience is the number one reason organizations switch their LMS. Here are the top 5 reasons:

  1. 88% Improve user experience.
  2. 74% Improve administrative experience.
  3. 66% Enhanced reporting.
  4. 66% Integration of systems.
  5. 66% Needs for mobile capabilities.
eBook Release: Get an eBook on Engaging Learners By Revolutionizing User Experience
eBook Release
Get an eBook on Engaging Learners By Revolutionizing User Experience
Learn how to choose your LMS to offer your audience the best User Experience you can.

How Can Your Learning Management System Meet Your L&D Needs?

As with many things in life and in business, it’s fundamental to understand that a program is only as effective as its weakest link. In the case of Learning and Development, this weakest link happens to be learner experience. Learners need great learning experiences to thrive and succeed in their roles. And the biggest impediment to this in general is a terrible User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX). In the eBook Revolutionizing User Experience: How A Great Learner Experience Is The Holy Grail Of An LMS you will find the most critical characteristics of a Learning Management System in order to create a great learner experience and meet your Learning and Development needs:

  1. It’s easy to use.
  2. There’s little training involved.
  3. It’s fun to use.
  4. It leverages known conventions.
  5. It connects.
  6. Online and offline functionality is essential.

If your learners cannot effectively learn through your learning solution, all is lost. Your organization needs a great Learning Management System that has exceptional User Interface / User Experience capabilities to actually engage users and create truly memorable and effective learning programs.

For more on effective learner experiences, download the eBook Revolutionizing User Experience: How A Great Learner Experience Is The Holy Grail Of An LMS.

Related Articles:

  1. 6 Essential LMS Elements For Revolutionizing User Experience
Originally published on October 3, 2017