SaaS Marketing Tips To Launch Your LMS Into The Stratosphere

SaaS Marketing Tips To Launch Your LMS Into The Stratosphere

SaaS Marketing Tips To Launch Your LMS Into The Stratosphere

5 Successful SaaS Marketing Tips For Your LMS

This article provides SaaS marketing tips on how organizations might boost their online presence and unleash their inner rock god (or position themselves as leaders within their sector). Success can be orchestrated through increased brand exposure and showcasing expertise on relevant topics.

Top SaaS Marketing Tips To Launch Your LMS

1. Every Move I Make

So, to be clear, we’re not suggesting stalking here, but repeated exposure to a brand name/logo helps to place it in the all-important long-term memory (like a catchy chorus). Research indicates prospective customers should be exposed to a brand six or seven times before recognition and recall occur. Becoming highly visible should, therefore, be a primary objective for your corporate eLearning business. The goal is to ensure that your brand exists in the buyers' evoked set even before they are in the market to purchase a new solution or upgrade an existing one.

Organizations should aim to be center stage everywhere prospective (as well as existing) customers might be. Alongside HubSpot’s hugely successful annual conference, the company partners with and sponsors events where digital marketing, service, and commerce professionals congregate. Similarly, Salesforce attracts attendees from a wide range of sectors to its popular event. Leading SaaS platforms also encourage and incentivize advocacy across professional online communities and host gated industry-specific webinars.

Organizations seek to build highly recognizable brands to remain top of mind when the buyer is shortlisting solutions at a later stage. Find out where and with whom your prospective customer hangs out.

2. You’re On the Top of the World (Top Of SERPs)

How can Learning Management System (LMS) platforms fine-tune their digital footprint to harmonize with Google (and increasingly social media and search generative experience (SGE)) algorithms? Many current Google searches start with a specific question (e.g.. "which is the best AI-driven CRM for healthcare 2024?") rather than a branded name search. Similarly, SGE enables users to submit in-depth queries to produce concise contextual answers in addition to general information.

Ranking organically at the top of Google/Artificial Intelligence (AI) takes time and effort for generic searches (e.g., "best Learning Management Systems" only features organizations with high domain ratings). Recent SGE and Google search trends indicate, however, the future prioritization of content based on more specific user intent (providing opportunities for less established players).

Prominent SaaS players are not overly dependent on a single source of traffic. Although many are highly visible on Google, they also drive traffic through SEO-optimized social media accounts. Vary traffic sources to reduce SGE dependence (remember YouTube is the world’s second largest search engine).

Boost Traffic And Generate Leads
Learn how eLI can help you employ an SEO content strategy aligned with search intent to connect with your ideal buyers.

3. You’re Simply The Best

A platinum award (aka, a top-five rating) on a trusted review site not only increases visibility but helps build credibility around a product or service offer. A standing ovation from a star-studded cast of judges can quickly turn a supporting organization into a headliner act.

Let's consider the example of the fictional XYZ, which is not organically ranked on page one of Google under the generic search term "CRM platform" but does appear in three separate ranking lists that feature on the first page. Additionally, the company features in YouTube clips and the "related searches" section at the bottom of page one. How can you replicate its success?

Leading SaaS organizations also build trust through customer testimonials (applause is especially valuable when customers have migrated from other solutions). Short embedded video clips featuring glowing customer reviews add authenticity. Or how about a moving ticker screen style of testimonials which can certainly catch the eye. There is only one thing better than blowing your own trumpet, and that is when others do it for you.

4. It Takes Two

Such accolades are, however, outside most organizations' control. SaaS platforms adopting a more proactive approach connect with top-performing influencers/affiliates in their niche. These can range from industry bloggers to content creators, community organizations, or associated professional service firms and consultants. In addition, many influencers are established authors for widely-read industry publications (e.g., Forbes, Harvard Business Review, etc.) with high ranking status on Google also.

Start-ups or less established eLearning businesses may not be able to currently match the commission rates of more established providers (nor have the opportunity to collaborate with top-tier influencers) but could, perhaps, offer lower rates to mid-tier or nano-influencers. Engage with prospective partners who are industry specialists, renowned for their superior content and with similarly aligned objectives. The desired outcome is credibility enhancement through the association (like a well-harmonized duet).

5. Do You Want To Know A Secret?

Primary research and executive interviews are good content options (citing new stats and inserting quotes help build authority). These approaches also help to gain backlinks from relevant and authoritative sites. Expert industry insights on topical issues can be presented through eBooks, white papers, or by literally stepping up to the mic through events, webinars, podcasts, etc..

Hubspot’s content strategy was initially created around its expertise in "inbound marketing," a term now wholly associated with the company. Freshbooks publishes a proprietary annual "Self-employment in US" trends report, thereby positioning itself as an expert on key issues faced by small businesses.’s webinar series attracts views through catchy titles, appealing imagery and bold colors.

Don’t Stop Me Now

You’re now on the radar and slowly gaining trust. But others are also desperately trying to gain customer attention. Time to stop playing second fiddle and grab that mic, using the SaaS marketing tips listed above!

Editor's Note: This article follows on from the previous installment.

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