Sales Training Through Sales Simulations: eBook On Branching Scenarios In eLearning

Sales Training Through Sales Simulations: eBook On Branching Scenarios In eLearning

Sales Training Through Sales Simulations: eBook On Branching Scenarios In eLearning

Sales Training Through Sales Simulations

Sales training is important for successful product launches, consistent sales performance and meeting corporate targets. There are many different methods to train the workforce, but the most important method for your business is the one that gives the best results. In this article, I will share why the eBook Branching Scenarios In eLearning is one of the greatest ways to learn about Sales simulations.

Branching scenario is an interactive form of learning - it challenges the learner, requires him to make a decision, leading to a variety of consequences. Each consequence produces new challenges and more choices. As the learner makes decisions, the story unfolds in a multitude of ways, thereby making learning engaging and effective.

eLearning scenarios can be built according to individual need - dealing with angry customers, negotiating with suppliers, managing employees and other business-related challenges. The key to an excellent branching scenario is that the output relies on the input - a consequence is determined by the response that precedes it.

While other methods often focus on checking the theoretical knowledge of the learner, scenarios are all about presenting authentic situations and asking to make practical choices. Scenarios present consequences to the learner’s choices and allow the learner to judge the outcome, and allow them to improve in another attempt at playing through the branching scenario. Learning through experience with sales simulation is exactly the type of training that will quickly turn lacklustre sales employees into a well-drilled sales force.

If you want to learn more about Sales Simulations, download our eBook Branching Scenarios In eLearning and discover the best techniques about Sales Training.

When I created our software for building branching scenarios, I assumed that everybody knew what scenarios were and how scenarios could improve your eLearning. I quickly came to realize that a lot of people had never used or even seen a branching scenario. Instead, they kept producing standard linear eLearning courses that did not engage learners. So I wanted to help you get started with scenarios by answering some frequently asked questions.

How Is A Branching Scenario Different From A Quiz?

I know, quizzes also pose challenges and ask for input. The main difference is that quizzes are linear. The next question is always the same regardless of what the learner answered before. In a scenario, every response determines what’s next. Scenarios aren’t linear and therefore they are unpredictable and engaging. It means they are fun to play and re-play.

Quizzes often focus on checking the knowledge of the learner where scenarios are all about presenting realistic situations and asking to make practical choices. Scenarios don’t care what the acronym for that fancy cross-selling technique is, they check whether the learner can actually sell a product to a virtual customer in a realistic setting.

Another significant difference is that quizzes provide straight-on feedback. You got this wrong, you got that right. By comparison, scenarios present consequences of the knowledge of the learner and allow the learner to understand whether this particular outcome is good or bad, and whether it could be improved in another attempt at playing through the branching scenario. As far as advantage and disadvantage go, this is one of the strongest reason for using branching scenarios in eLearning.

Sales Training Through Sales Simulations

Identifying staff competencies is an integral part of understanding what it is your staff needs help with. Through the use of sales simulation training, your management team can evaluate your sales team’s understanding and their capability to execute your company’s sales process. Your staff will engage with virtual customers and be given different options for responses. There are no wrong answers, the purpose of these scenarios is to allow your staff to go back and correct their mistakes, learning by doing.

How To Create The Best Branching Scenario?

It’s easy, just follow the simple and straightforward suggestions from our eBook Branching Scenarios In eLearning and you can get your sales team training in no time. Although a branching scenario might take more time to create than a regular quiz, you will be so happy with your training and sales results that the extra time will not even matter. With the advent of eLearning, Sales Simulation training has become more accessible than ever. Your team can even train and refresh their knowledge on the go, while on their cell phones. If you have not tried eLearning before, BranchTrack is the place to start - engaging, fun, and effective! Get your team going today!

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