Secrets To Qualify HR Software Vendors & Address Human Resource Pain Points

Secrets To Qualify HR Software Vendors & Address Human Resource Pain Points

Secrets To Qualify HR Software Vendors & Address Human Resource Pain Points

How To Qualify HR Software Vendors & Address Human Resource Pain Points

The human resource department carries great responsibility in any organization. It holds an integral role in day-to-day processes and ensures that your business remains productive and efficient. At the same time, HR management teams are faced with the additional weight of a variety of challenges that are not so easy to overcome. Human resource management software can help reduce these ongoing challenges. In this article, we explore how you can use an HRMS to address human resource pain points as well as tips to choose the most suitable HR software vendor.

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4 Tips To Address HR Pain Points With Specialized Software

If there is one thing that has become evident in recent years, it is that human resource management is becoming increasingly complex. On top of that, the old ways of HR—using paper for everything, hand tracking attendance, printing and handing out employee handbooks, etc.—can't cover its current needs. Upgrading your HR department with specialized software is the only way to keep your business successful and your employees contented. But let’s see how you can use your HR management system to address your specific HR pain points.

1. Identify HR Pain Points

Before you start combating your HR-related challenges, you first need to identify them. Which areas seem to be more problematic for your business? You might be dealing with issues regarding onboarding, payroll management, low morale, or compliance breaches. Whatever it is, human resource management software gives you the ability to gather and analyze data that highlight areas in need of improvement. You can also conduct surveys to gather employee feedback using the software’s centralized communication features, which allow you to send notifications directly to any and all of your employees.

2. Set Out Data-Based Goals

Once you have identified your problem areas, it is time to start laying out your goals. Base your objectives on the data gathered during the HR gaps assessment. Make sure that your goals are measurable so that you can later use them to gauge the success of the HRMS implementation. For example, the software has revealed that you have an unusually high turnover rate during the onboarding stage. How much do you plan your turnover rate to have decreased after utilizing the onboarding feature of the HR management software? How much will be saved from the onboarding budget of your business?

3. Track Changes And Measure Outcomes

Provided that you have followed the previous step, now you have measurable objectives that you can easily analyze using your human resource software. Forget about spending hours compiling numbers into countless spreadsheets and struggling to uncover trends. The HR software allows you to generate comprehensible and user-friendly reports with just a few clicks. As a result, you have direct access to data that proves change in your organization and back up the effectiveness of your decisions. Not to mention being able to see the positive effect on your ROI and bottom line in real-time.

4. Check-In Regularly

Frequent change is in the nature of businesses. Therefore, your work isn’t finished after you have identified the initial problems and solved them. Even if your company is operating at desired levels now, you might notice a dip in some metrics after a while. So, regularly analyze the data derived from the human resource management system and stay on your toes to identify any new issues that might arise. When you catch those, repeat the steps we outlined here so that you can return your business to its former productivity and efficiency levels.

5 Secrets To Qualify HR Software Vendors

Human resource software can be a valuable tool for your HR management team and your organization overall. Through streamlining previously time-consuming processes and tasks, it allows HR managers to focus on more pressing matters, such as dealing with employees and improving the workplace experience. However, there are a plethora of HR software choices in the market, and they probably don’t all offer solutions that suit your needs. Let’s explore five tips that will help you make the best choice for your specific HR requirements.

1. Determine Your Needs

Browsing through HR software vendors’ websites without first determining your business requirements is a waste of time. You don’t want to waste your budget on the top HR software only to discover you have no use for half of its features, or worse, that it doesn’t cover your needs. Therefore, make sure to do a thorough needs assessment within your organization to uncover pain points and areas in need of improvement. After you complete that, you are ready to start looking for HR software.

2. Identify Potential Vendors

Now, it’s time to find some potential vendors. Use a variety of research methods to explore as many choices as possible. You can take recommendations from companies in your niche, customers, and even your employees if they have prior experience with HR software. There are also specialized websites, buying guides, directories, and social media groups that you can use. Remember to try and match your specific needs with each vendor’s listed features to find the best fit.

3. Read Online Reviews

While browsing HR vendor websites and exploring features, don’t forget to read user ratings and reviews. These will provide valuable insight into the future by giving you clues about customer satisfaction and the software’s overall performance. Find reviews from organizations operating in your specific niche and figure out how they utilized the HR software and in what ways it helped their business.

4. Evaluate Their Price Point

The HR software vendor you choose must obviously fit into your price bracket. Fortunately, there are plenty of choices in the market that cover a wide range of prices. All you have to do is research properly. Specifically, before shaking hands with a potential vendor, you must evaluate their pricing model, starting and operating costs, as well as any additional fees. Then, you’ll have everything you need to make an informed financial decision for your organization.

5. Get A Demo Or Free Trial

Many vendors offer demos or free trials of their products. These can be very helpful, as they allow you to witness first-hand how the HR software’s advertised features function. It’s also a good idea to prepare specific scenarios and use-cases that you and your employees experience most often. This way, you can gauge how the software handles your daily tasks and how user-friendly it is. Remember to keep track of your free trials so that you don’t get charged for an HR software you didn’t like.


Human resources management is made that much more complicated by various challenges that are common to most organizations. HR software can help you overcome these pain points with its automation and centralization abilities. In this article, we shared tips on choosing an HR software vendor that best fits your requirements and helps you address your HR challenges in the most efficient way.

Download the eBook HR Troubleshooting Guide: Tips To Overcome Your 9 Biggest Human Resource Development Challenges to discover actionable tips and proven techniques.

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