Social Media In The Classroom: How To Make Them Work

Social Media In The Classroom: How To Make Them Work

Social Media In The Classroom: How To Make Them Work

How To Use Social Media In The Classroom 

Today’s classrooms are full of digital natives — kids who have grown up uber-connected through technology. At times, this can be frustrating to educators who have to deal with shortened attention spans and distracting electronics like smartphones and tablets. Teachers want their students involved in the classroom process and not pulled away by apps like Instagram and Facebook. While the first inclination is to keep students completely away from social media, the reality is that technology is a huge part of their future. But how to use social media in the classroom? Take a look at some suggestions for using three of the biggest social media in the classroom to aid in the learning process (the platforms below are appropriate for ages 13 and up).


This is a social network that both teachers and students can comprehend and one they both know how to use quite well. Facebook gets a lot of criticism as a spot for wasting time, but there are some pretty significant ways to use it for good, especially when it comes to learning pursuits. Take a look at some educational uses for Facebook:


A picture really does say a thousand words (or more) so tap into your students’ attraction to visuals with this popular social media app. Consider these classroom-friendly Instagram uses:


The idea of “pinning” things to a board is nothing new in classroom settings. Teachers have asked students to create posters, corkboards, and other physical collections of themed ideas for decades. Pinterest simply expands the reach of what students can pin and makes it electronic. Here are a few specific ways to use this platform of social media in the classroom:

Technology is ingrained in high school students today, so why fight that inclination? Social media is a part of students’ lives, and teachers can use that to their advantage in the classroom. Find ways to connect with students through social media in the classroom, and it will lead to a more streamlined experience for you and all of the kids.

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