Educational Technology

All you need to know about the wide field of Educational Technology from the authors of eLearning Industry. Tell us your opinion by submitting your article now!

March 4, 2017

The Voyager Company: Bob Stein's Voyage

Bob Stein has been thinking about the book and interactive media for almost four decades. His pioneering work as founder of the interactive media publisher The Voyager Company changed the course of how we viewed interactive multimedia, and he still thinking about the future of the book.
by Bill Ferster
February 12, 2017

The First Videodisc: Phonovision

Before electronic videodisks, Scotsman John Logie Baird created them from phonograph platters. Don McLean's work resurrecting Baird's original disks reveals an early step in the history of interactive video.
by Bill Ferster
February 1, 2017

From Memex To HyperCard

HyperCard was an important tool for eLearning at the birth of the Apple Macintosh computer. But before there was HyperCard, there was Vannevar Bush’s Memex.
by Bill Ferster
January 8, 2017

Attention Span: Technology – Friend Or Foe?

Educators should look at technology as a student's friend, not a foe. By taking away a student's cell phone, you lose a teachable moment. A mobile device is a powerful educational tool. Not all students know how much of its value extends beyond social media. Let us talk about attention span and how technology can help rather than harm it.
by Elizabeth Goodhue