eLearning Design and Development

Read the top articles about eLearning Design and Development. Principles, important information, tips, and best practices from the leading eLearning portal.

January 22, 2014 | Sponsored

7 Top Tips for Creating e-Content Faster

One such crucial step in e-learning development is extracting relevant information out of Subject Matter Experts (SME), which can take up an unnecessary large chunk of the total development time. The article lists ways to ensure that SME interactions are faster and feed-in to the entire process if e-learning development.
by Heena Nanda
January 17, 2014

Why Average Typing Speed Is Important?

Touch typing is a "must have" skill in our digital world. After reading this article, you will know what is the average typing speed for men and women, why it's important to overcome these results, and how it may help to make your life easier.
by Adam Fort
December 21, 2013

8 Tips For Engaging Students In e-Learning

You might have been asking, “how can I make my students be more active in online or class discussions?” or “how can I make them more interested in what they are learning and doing?” At this article you will find 8 tips to address your questions based on my experience in teaching and designing online/blended courses.
by Elham Arabi
December 19, 2013

5 Rapid e-Learning Best Practices

When you feel the need for speed, there’s only one thing to turn to—your favorite rapid e-Learning tool, of course! Rapid e-Learning tools can be an absolute lifesaver when you’re crunched for time but still want to produce a quality presentation. Check out this overview of rapid e-Learning, plus a few best practices to keep in mind as you’re developing rapid e-Learning.
by Stephanie Ivec
December 17, 2013

Your Brainstorming Pocket Guide

For all of you who aren't familiar with brainstorming, let's say it's that time when your mind is allowed to wander in close or far away circles, around a certain topic, picking up words, ideas, details, feelings, even sentences that are topic-related. You can do this individually or in a group. No limiting, no censoring information, no wrong answers. Once you have jotted them down, you can start putting the pieces in the right order, therefore, creating a solid framework. Hilarious as it might seem, I used a little brainstorming to write this post about brainstorming.
by Nadina Lupu
December 16, 2013

3 Options for eLearning Content Development

Why organizations make wrong decisions when it comes to eLearning content development. Take a look at the 3 options for eLearning content: Off-the-Shelf, Create it yourself, or Commission it from a specialist eLearning provider.
by Tim Buff