eLearning Concepts

All the latest articles for eLearning concepts. Gamification, mlearning, social learning, instructional design & many more from the leading eLearning experts!

May 1, 2014

Why Matching Informal and Formal Learning Is in Style

Informal learning is in style—but does that mean that formal learning is so last season? Absolutely not! Recently, e-Learning professionals have been seeing how sharp informal and formal learning look together. The rise of informal learning is not a replacement for formal training; rather, the two have an interdependent relationship.
by Christie Wroten
April 5, 2013

How Continuous Employee Learning Helps Boost Performance

Until relatively recently, company training was seen as nothing else than a one-time event: employees went to a course, learned something, and then returned to their daily tasks where everything came back to normal. However, in present days, more and more companies are striving to establish a continuous learning system, one in which both workers and managers take part in regularly. By comparison, with the old time-limited training, this type of learning continues over the long-term, long after the classroom sessions have completed.
by Jason Silberman
December 14, 2012

Text-To-Speech And Presentation Voiceover, What Is The Real Question?

As eLearning professionals we need to build an arsenal of tools and the competence for choosing which ones are best suited for each project. When it comes to publish presentations online, Voice talents, home-made recording, Text-to-Speech voiceover, silent and self-explaining pictures are all tools at our disposals. We must learn how to use each one of them.
by Paolo Leva