Instructional Design

The concept of Instructional Design. Models, theories, trends, pitfalls, and anything you need to know, written from our Instructional Design experts.

December 13, 2018

How To Make Human Performance Technology More Agile

There is a lot of synergy between Human Performance Technology (HPT) and Learner Experience Design (LXD), and they are intertwined. HPT looks at the ecosystem of the performer while LXD encompasses the ecosystem of the learning design. This article looks at how we make Human Performance Technology more agile.
by Sue Czeropski, PhD,CPT
November 18, 2018

2 Traits Instructional Designers Need Most

What does training mean to you? Is it a simple process of transferring information, or a complex platform for transforming people and organizations – improving their performance, processes, customer relationships, and more? If you are new to this idea, consider this tip: think outside the classroom!
by Crystal Hunter
November 14, 2018
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Revisiting A Fad: Tips And Facts On Blended Learning

While mixed reality, content curation, and user-generated learning are the topics of conversation today, this article revisits another topic that has faded without much fanfare – blended learning. Learn how to determine the right modality and mix to create a great program for your learners.
by Angel Green