eLearning Design and Development

Read the top articles about eLearning Design and Development. Principles, important information, tips, and best practices from the leading eLearning portal.

October 20, 2020 | Sponsored

9 Insights From Learning Experience Designers

The best way to learn about a profession is to talk directly to the professionals that make a living out of it. These 9 insights are gathered from some of the most respected learning experience designers and they are going to help understand why learning experiences are so vital.
by Emma Whiteside
October 2, 2020

Tips For Successful eLearning Development Services

The eLearning world today is a red-hot topic in today’s time. Whether you are offering an educational program, delivering corporate training to employees, or onboarding new members of your association, modern eLearning development services are schooling traditional classroom settings via online platforms.
by Puneet Singh Raghav
October 2, 2020

The 5 Criteria MEANS Test For Effective eLearning delivery

Do your eLearning design protocols meet the MEANS test to optimize participant learning? Evidence indicates that 5 key criteria need to be simultaneously in place to engage participant's to learn, retain what they have learned, and change their behavior permanently, in the way intended by lessons.
by Phil McInnes