Supporting Learning In The Flow Of Work

Supporting Learning In The Flow of Work

Supporting Learning In The Flow of Work

Blend Learning As A Part Of The Daily Workflow

Today, corporate training is all about "out of the training room and into the flow of work." Organizations are working toward changing their approaches in delivering learning and reshaping their learning models to deliver meaningful content, which is accessible as Just-In-Time training to support employee development.

In this article, I will help you determine how organizations can blend learning as a part of the daily workflow.

What Is Learning In The Flow Of Work?

The phrase “learning in the flow of work” was coined by Josh Bersin, a corporate HR and learning analyst in the USA. It refers to easily accessible and engaging nuggets of learning during work, which will maximize productivity, reduce burnout, and improve employee morale.

Josh Bersin describes it as the “new paradigm for corporate training” because learning is embedded in work. Learning in the flow of work acknowledges that learning should fit into the work-life of an employee. The solutions that help to learn in the flow of work mainly focus on learning opportunities throughout the employee’s working day.

How Can Organizations Support Learning In The Flow Of Work?

Bersin states that the "flow of work" approach should follow 4 E’s (Figure 1), which will encourage learning without overwhelming them with learning approaches.

Figure 1: The 4E’s in Learning in the Flow of Work  

The 4 E's

The 4 E’s offer a more structured approach to learning, providing employees with learning support, which will help improve performance. Selecting the right delivery method among the above will provide the employee with the right tool to perform the job better.

How Can Organizations Use The Flow Of Work?

Organizations can take the following steps to make use of the flow of work to develop the skills of their employees.


More and more organizations are trying to embed learning in the flow of work. They are using different technologies and tools, such as microlearning, APIs, and traditional methods like ILTs and VILTs, and identifying the right methodology to deliver learning without interrupting the daily work. These practices will help improve performance and productivity by helping employees perform better at their jobs, while they are learning from them.

At Tesseract Learning, our learning and visual architects are constantly innovating and reinventing their approaches to design, develop, and deliver effective L&D programs. If you have any specific queries, do contact me or leave a comment below.

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