Characters In eLearning

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August 29, 2016

5 Essential Elements Of An Effective eLearning Story

Most of us aren't natural born storytellers. While some can spin a yarn with ease, our talents lie elsewhere. But that doesn't mean that we can't write a meaningful and attention-grabbing eLearning story for our eLearning course. In this article, I'll share the 5 essential elements of an effective eLearning story.
by Christopher Pappas
June 13, 2016

6 Tips To Use Animations In eLearning

Animations may bring out our inner child, but they also have the power to improve knowledge retention, engage online learners, and simplify complex concepts. In this article, I'll talk about why you should use animation in your eLearning experiences and share 6 tips for using them in eLearning courses.
by Christopher Pappas