Compliance Training

The best articles specialized in Compliance Training by our top corporate eLearning authors. Important information, latest trends and resources. Click to find out more!

April 22, 2019 | Sponsored

How To Future-Proof Bank Employee Training

Bank-staff training has traditionally been fixed, with little room for change. But the world is changing. And today, banks are forced to look at staff training through the lens of change. What do they see? A need for smarter, faster, and more diverse online training.
by Nikos Andriotis
March 26, 2019

eBook Release - Conquering Compliance: How To Deploy Effective Corporate Compliance Training With A User-Friendly LMS

Compliance matters, for the simple reason that the regulatory framework which is set in place establishes the authority of your company. It helps to protect data, prevent security breaches and avoid serious penalties, bankruptcy or criminal prosecution. If that isn't a good incentive to comply, then I don't know what is. Truth be told, it isn't enough to set industry standards. They also need to be transferred upon the employees. To do this effectively you need a perfectly working tool which engages its employees in a fun and lighthearted manner. After which all information is retained. That retention is worth its weight in gold.
by Christopher Pappas
January 14, 2019

eBook Release: Key Components For Impactful Compliance Training

With compliance training moving from back end to front end for a year now, organizations need to rethink their approach. The cases of failure are now taking more than fifteen minutes of fame, so no factor playing a part in this process can be taken lightly. With the workplace culture being considered as the touchstone for compliance training, favoritism should be discarded. That’s the main idea here, backed up by a sound methodology, and a willingness to foster collaboration. Reaching this edition’s conclusion you’ll agree that this is a sure way for impactful compliance.
by Christopher Pappas