Corporate Learning Management Systems

Get new ideas about Corporate Learning Management Systems by visiting eLearning Industry. Information, benefits, useful tips from our experts will help you develop your online training course and give you Corporate LMS solutions you may want to consider.

March 30, 2016

LMS Is Old News: Enter The Era Of The eLMS

LMS is quickly losing ground to eLMS. The latter is a hybrid of social media, communication platforms, and engagement features that foster higher collaboration and informal learning. This particularly stems to the lack of flexibility and technological capabilities traditional LMSs have. This post discusses what to look for in an eLMS and how its average features can be used to increase interaction and collaboration.
by Alexander Salas, CPLP
March 22, 2016

Sign O' The Times: TalentLMS Single Sign-On

Signing in is the first thing your users will have to do, and it's the first thing you need to think about regarding security. And, as you could probably guess, TalentLMS has you covered, any way you want to greet your users. Here is everything you need to know about the TalentLMS single sign-on feature.
by John Laskaris
March 18, 2016

Knowledge Centered Support Methodology: Getting Started

When an eLearning professional encounters the word “methodology”, they are likely to think of ADDIE, or maybe SAM. However, today you’re in for a surprise, for I’m not talking about a course authoring methodology. Instead, I’d like to tell you about a knowledge management methodology called KCS, which stands for “Knowledge Centered Support”.
by Michael Treser
February 16, 2016

Ease Of Use And The LMS: The Case Of TalentLMS

One of the most important aspects of a piece of software, especially when it's to be adopted by an organization, is ease of use and how intuitively all stakeholders, students, instructors, admins, managers, will take advantage of it. And the talent in "TalentLMS" is all about ease.
by John Laskaris
February 2, 2016

Support And The LMS: The Case Of TalentLMS

There are many things that can make a piece of software stand out, and some of these aren’t measurable or easy to prove. But they truly do make a world of difference and are the reason that users stay with a product for years. Support is one of these features, or more accurately, a guiding philosophy.
by John Laskaris