Corporate Training

Find the latest Corporate Training articles. Definition, best practices and trends of Corporate Training from our top eLearning authors. Articles for eLearning professionals who want to create effective Corporate Training that improves companies and employees development. Find out more!

July 7, 2017

How To Align Learning And Development With Corporate Goals

Organizations must build an attractive learning culture that will help them achieve their goals. Yet, too often HR and L&D professionals are occupied with putting in point solutions and filling vacant posts. It's time for strategic alignment of Learning and Development activities with the business.
by Armin Hopp
July 5, 2017

5 Ways To Use Microlearning For Informal Learning

Formal learning programs are synonymous with full-scale eLearning courses, instructor-led trainings, strong Instructional Design strategies and an extensive curriculum, all mapped in a very structured way. However, carefully constructed courses are not the only way learners can acquire skills and knowledge. Research shows that over 80% of employees learn their job from informal learning. Informal learning pulls learners toward knowledge and content,rather than pushing content onto them. As this approach is free from the bounds of classrooms, schedules, and computers, it allows employees to be spontaneous in their learning. So, can we use microlearning for informal learning? 
by Ayesha Habeeb Omer, Ph.D
July 2, 2017

5 Ways To Speed Up Technology Adoption On Your Team

One of the HR challenges when introducing new technology is making sure employees use and benefit from it. To maximize the ROI on your technology investment, involve your team in the selection process, choose tools that are easy to use, gamify the onboarding process, and share their successes.
by Armin Hopp