eLearning Design Tips

The biggest and most thorough collection of eLearning Design Tips. Tips to increase retention and interactivity, to create immersive eLearning courses, all the eLearning Design Tips you need to know, written by the top eLearning experts worldwide.

April 11, 2013

How To Use Analogies In eLearning

Analogies play an important role in the learning process, yet very few eLearning courses use analogies to help learners grasp new information. Would you like to know how to use Analogies in eLearning?
by Parker Grant
March 18, 2013

Educational Pinball - Comparing eLearning To A Game Of Pinball

Recently I had been trying to think of an effective way of visualising the e-learning process and the mechanics behind it, which would allow me to give a more considered approach for the courses on which I am working, and strengthen the effectiveness of the learning content. In addition, this would help me improve my ability to clearly explain the reasoning behind my course material development.
by Mark Nathan Willetts
March 9, 2013

Video As A Learning Tool: A Mixed Blessing?

Do you think the use of video during the instructional process helps or distracts the learner? Is video a mixed blessing? In our world of e-Learning, video has become an important element in the eLearning process as, according to research, visual demonstration of something new can lead to successful results. Yet, many eLearning developers hesitate to use this powerful tool. But is this hesitation an unfounded fear?
by Christopher Pappas
February 22, 2013

The Use Of Music And Animation In eLearning

Do you think that introductory music and animation clips help, motivate and engage the participants of an e-learning course? Do genre, volume level and duration affect their concentration? Do music and animation clips constitute an attention grabber or an annoyance factor? Apparently, views are conflicting and experiences differ.
by Christopher Pappas
February 21, 2013

How To Create Interactivity That Works

How many times you have come across sessions that make you click various on screen objects and claim to be interactive? How many times you have talked to vendors who claim their content to be interactive because it has quizzes after every 5 screen? I guess the answer will be a plenty of times.
by Shyamanta Baruah