eLearning Professionals

Anything you need to know about eLearning Professionals, written by the top eLearning Professionals worldwide. Tips, best practices, professional skills, management issues and much more in the biggest and most thorough collection of eLearning articles for eLearning Professionals.

September 15, 2015

Working With Subject Matter Experts: The Ultimate Guide

Relationships are a key to success and, during your eLearning course development one of the most challenging relationships you will ever have will be with Subject Matter Experts (SMEs). In this article, I'll share some information about how to work closely with Subject Matter Experts, build a respectful working relationship with them, and facilitate your eLearning design and development process.
by Christopher Pappas
August 29, 2015

The Top 10 TED Talks For eLearning Professionals

Exploring a learning topic from a whole new perspective is a rare opportunity. Fortunately, TED talks offer the chance to dive into the minds of other educators, subject matter experts, and eLearning professionals. In this article, I'll introduce 10 talks that are definitely worth a watch.
by Christopher Pappas
August 4, 2015

Becoming A Super Designer: 7 Ways To Help You Get And Stay There

Today’s curriculum designers can be tomorrow's Super Designers, incorporating both their knowledge of andragogy or pedagogy and their tech savviness to stay competitive in the ever-progressing field of eLearning. In this article I’ll introduce you to the concept of the Super Designer and offer 7 strategies to help effectively you become and remain one of these “crusaders for excellence in curriculum and technology”!
by Alexandra Barnett
July 20, 2015

The Top 7 Qualities Of A High Performance eLearning Team

High performance eLearning teams don’t just happen. Positive spirit, clear goals, and shared ambitions are only a few of the characteristics that an eLearning team must have in order to produce excellent eLearning projects. In this article, I’ll share 7 top qualities that make a high performance eLearning team, so that you will ensure that your team is not only a truly great eLearning professional group, but also 100% dedicated to attaining their shared goals.
by Christopher Pappas
June 27, 2015

8 Common eLearning Interview Questions

Ready to expand your Learning and Development team? Want to find the perfect eLearning professional to design your next eLearning course? In this article, I’ll share 8 common eLearning interview questions you’ll want to ask before hiring an eLearning professional. On the flipside, eLearning professionals can use these questions to get prepared for their upcoming eLearning interview.
by Christopher Pappas
June 19, 2015

5 Common Misconceptions About Instructional Designer Salaries

As is the case with most professions, over the course of time a variety of myths, exaggerations, and misconceptions surface about the pay involved. In this article, I’ll shed some light on the most common misconceptions about instructional designer salaries all instructional designers involved in the eLearning Industry should be aware of, as well as the factors that can affect your eLearning Salary.
by Christopher Pappas