eLearning Storyboard Examples

The biggest and most thorough collection of eLearning Storyboard Examples. Anything you need to know about eLearning Storyboard Examples, written by the top eLearning experts worldwide. Share our valuable resources or submit your article!

August 12, 2014

The Rapid Storyboard Development Process

Inserting visuals into a storyboard, normally a boring manual task, can be streamlined with this process. You will learn how to move screen captures and pictures quickly and reliably into the storyboard document, eliminating the manual repetition of copy, paste, resize, and repeat. And if you need to link your visuals instead of embedding them, there's an easy way to do that, too.
by David Demyan
January 23, 2014

6 Tips For Storyboarding Like A Pro

Storyboarding is a helpful planning technique, and it’s not just for mapping out movies! You can benefit from storyboarding your e-Learning course - but first, let’s take a look at where this brilliant idea came from! Then, we’ll explore some tips to help you storyboard like a pro. 
by Christie Wroten
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