Instructional Designers

The biggest and most thorough collection of eLearning articles for Instructional Designers. Anything you need to know for Instructional Design, written by the top Instructional Designer experts worldwide.

June 15, 2016

Women In eLearning Meetup In Madrid

Accustomed to work in a world where new technologies are taken over by men, my attention got widely attracted by the title of a meetup I received in my email a few weeks ago: "Women In eLearning Meetup in Madrid". I signed up right away, ready to meet other professionals in my city.
by Leticia Lafuente López
April 29, 2016

eLearning On Purpose

How well does your job fit you? Is your personal purpose aligned to your company’s vision? Are you doing something you love for a company that shares your values, or are you plugging away for a paycheck, hoping it will all work out somehow?
by Ben Butina, Ph.D.