Learner Engagement

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October 29, 2013

The Impact Of Tiredness And Fatigue On Learning

Do you think about the impact of tiredness and fatigue on learning? What effect could these have on your training design? Well, unless you can regulate your learners' sleep patterns, tiredness may seem a little beyond your control. For fatigued learners the challenge is to pique their interest, so that a subject becomes fascinating. However, there are a couple of useful thoughts.
by Tim Buff
October 17, 2013

Progressive Education: The Rising Power Of Student Voice

Read many current educational articles or twitter feeds, and it becomes pretty clear that progressive educationalists are gaining voice. Project based, constructivist, experiential, problem solving curriculum is lauded and promoted at every turn, and thankfully so. Learning becomes deeper and more meaningful when students participate in knowledge building. However, there are a few educationalists who are really pushing and disrupting the boundaries of progressive education. They are those who believe in student-generated content.
by Paul Moss
September 26, 2013

How To Engage Your Learners Without Annoying Them

One of the worst things your e-Learning course can do is annoy your learners. But sometimes it’s difficult to tell the difference between what’s engaging and what’s annoying. You should certainly do everything possible to make sure your learners have a positive experience—just don’t annoy them.
by Christie Wroten