Learner Engagement

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December 12, 2019 | Sponsored

Are You Using Regular Learning Interactions? Time To Step Up Your Game

As an educator or course designer, irrespective of the instructional system you may choose to deliver learning, you need to understand your audience really well. You need to get into their shoes to learn how they think and behave before designing a course for them. And when talking about modern-day learners, there are expectations galore!
by Isha Sood
December 10, 2019 | Sponsored

4 Benefits Of AI In Personalized Learning

Using AI to transform learning experiences removes traditional limitations and introduces new and exciting possibilities. In order to harness that immense potential, it is important to have a clear understanding of the inner workings of Artificial Intelligence and the eloquence of the solutions it provides.
by Jacopo Mauri
November 28, 2019

Can You Create Microlearning Using Just PowerPoint?

Microlearning requires virtually no extra investment other than what you’ve already invested in your digital learning setup, and can be created using the simplest of software. In fact, microlearning can be created using just Microsoft PowerPoint, which is a software every computer will have.
by Debadrita Sengupta
October 5, 2019

Using Podcasts As Inspiration

While podcasts are great for your daily commute, they can also be used as inspiration for great Instructional Design. This article will dissect a successful podcast as we look for those elements that keep listeners (learners) coming back for more.
by Andrew McCallister