Learner Engagement

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May 29, 2020

How To Create An Engaging eLearning Experience

In a world with a high demand for on-demand applications, eLearning platforms let users learn effortlessly any time they want. eLearning platforms allow everyone from any corner of the world the ability to gain knowledge in no time. Let us understand the importance of engagement in eLearning.
by Aathirai somasundaram
May 25, 2020 | Sponsored

Blend it, Flip It, Stir Things Up!

In our increasingly connected world, engaging people in training is a challenge, particularly in a virtual setting. Thankfully, technology is also constantly evolving. Learn to make your content stick with a variety of advanced methodologies that can be mixed, matched and customized to fit your needs.
by Mark Zides
May 22, 2020

7 Top Tips For Effective eLearning Videos 

eLearning videos can declutter and simplify education to a point where it becomes both accessible and understandable to everyone. Creating videos that are effective and powerful, however, is not that simple. Let’s take a closer look at how you can create effective and engaging eLearning videos.
by Rolf Veldman